ICE Bars New Foreign Students From US If Classes Are Fully Online

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Axios: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued a release on Friday barring new international students from entering the U.S. for their fall terms if their courses are entirely online. “In accordance with March 2020 guidance, nonimmigrant students in new or initial status after March 9 will not be able to enter the U.S. to…

America’s Border Patrol ‘Can Track Everyone’s Car’ By Buying License Plate-Reader Data

America’s border-protection agency “can track everyone’s cars all over the country thanks to massive troves of automated license plate scanner data, a new report reveals,” reports Ars Technica. And they didn’t need to request search warrants from the courts, the article explains, since “the agency did just what hundreds of other businesses and investigators do: straight-up purchase access to commercial databases.”

Trump Administration Rescinds Rule on Foreign Students

Facing eight federal lawsuits and opposition from hundreds of universities, the Trump administration on Tuesday rescinded a rule that would have required international students to transfer or leave the country if their schools held classes entirely online because of the pandemic. From a report: The decision was announced at the start of a hearing in a federal lawsuit in Boston brought…

Thousands of Contracts Highlight Quiet Ties Between Big Tech and US Military

Over the past two years, thousands of tech company employees have taken a stand: they do not want their labor and technical expertise to be used for projects with the military or law enforcement agencies. Knowledge of such contracts, however, hasn’t been easy for tech workers to come by. From a report: On Wednesday, newly published research from the technology accountability…

MIT and Harvard Sue DHS and ICE Over International Student Rule

Shag writes: Two days after US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said international students must leave the US if their fall classes will be taught entirely online, MIT and Harvard are suing ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. “ICE is unable to offer the most basic answers about how its policy will be interpreted or implemented,” said former international student…

Foreign Students Must Leave the US If Their Universities Transition To Online-Only Learning

ugen shares a report from Reuters: Foreign students must leave the United States if their school’s classes this fall will be taught completely online or transfer to another school with in-person instruction, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency announced on Monday. It was not immediately clear how many student visa holders would be affected by the move, but foreign…

As the climate shifts, a border moves

Italy’s northern border with Switzerland depends on the natural, morphological boundaries of glaciers’ frontiers. But in recent years, glaciers have been melting at increased rates due to climate change. This has caused the border to shift noticeably. Source:…

US Government Now Working With Peter Thiel’s Palantir On Covid-19 Tracking Tool

With a little help from Peter Thiel’s controversial company Palintir, America’s Department of Health and Human Services is building a powerful new tool to track the spread of the coronavirus. The Verge reports:
The tool, which is reportedly called HHS Protect Now, is already up and running as of April 10th and it helps officials compile reports on the coronavirus’ spread through…

Y Combinator Company ‘Flexport’ Is Shipping PPE To Frontline Responders

The Y Combinator company Flexport is a San Francisco-based freight-forwarding and customs brokerage company. (Its investors include Google Ventures and Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund.) But on March 23rd Flexport announced they were now re-focusing all their resources to get critical supplies to frontline responders combating COVID-19. They’ve joined a team that announced on Friday announced “we’re shipping full cargo planes filled…

ACLU Sues To End ICE’s Rigged Algorithms That Keep Immigrants In Jail

A new lawsuit filed by the New York Civil Liberties Union and Bronx Defenders alleges that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement uses a rigged algorithm to detain virtually everyone ICE’s New York Field Office brings in, even when the government itself believes they present a minimal threat to public safety. The Intercept reports: The suit, which asks that ICE’s “Risk Classification…