Life-hunting Perseverance rover is halfway to Mars

NASA announced that its Perseverance rover mission – which will search for evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars – has now passed the halfway mark in its journey to the planet. Source:…

Scientists use AI to find tiny craters on Mars

All these years, NASA scientists have laboriously sifted through spacecraft images, to identify and classify markings on Mars. Now they’re using a new “classifier,” powered by artificial intelligence. What takes a human 40 minutes takes the AI tool an average of just 5 seconds. Source:…

Top 4 most promising worlds for alien life in the solar system

Where are the other most promising locations for extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Source:…

Amazing photos in Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter celebration

NASA has posted a sampling of some of the most awe-inspiring photos of Mars, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the launch of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. They are proof that Mars is a very photogenic world. Source:…

Mars landings: ‘7 minutes of terror’

To celebrate the 8-year anniversary of Curiosity rover’s arrival on Mars, here’s a video on the final 7 minutes of its chilling descent on August 5-6, 2012. Source:…

Can other gases help explain Mars methane mystery?

The European Space Agency’s Trace Gas Orbiter has unexpectedly detected carbon dioxide and ozone in Mars’ atmosphere where the elusive methane should be, researchers in the UK and Russia have announced. The two gases may be hindering the probe’s methane detections. Source:…

Perseverance, newest Mars rover, to launch July 30

NASA is targeting 7:50 a.m. EDT on Thursday, July 30, 2020, for the launch of its Mars 2020 Perseverance rover on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Source:…

While stargazing on Mars, Curiosity rover spots Earth and Venus

NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover occasionally stops to stargaze. Recently, it captured a shot of Earth and Venus in the Red Planet’s night sky. Source:…

NASA’s Mars rover drivers need your help

You may be able to help NASA’s Curiosity rover drivers better navigate Mars. Using the online tool AI4Mars to label terrain features in pictures downloaded from the Red Planet, you can train an artificial intelligence algorithm to automatically read the landscape. Source:…

On Mars, mud flows like lava

Scientists in Europe have found that some features on Mars that were thought to be lava flows may actually have been flows of muddy water. Source:…