What’s new on Coursera for Business – February 2020

By Kyle Clark, Senior Skills Transformation Consultant February was a special month at Coursera: we officially launched Rhyme Projects for enterprise. Coursera acquired Rhyme Softworks last year to augment our abilities to create and share hand-on projects with learners. Projects allow learners to work on a task in their browser while following a self-paced or […]
The post What’s new on Coursera…

Meet the Man Being Sued By the FTC Over His Kickstarter Campaign for a High-Tech Backpack

The Verge takes a 5,000-word look at a Kickstarter campaign “that raised more than half a million dollars, only to never ship and leave behind thousands of angry backers.” “The difference in this story, however, is that for only the second time, the Federal Trade Commission is coming for the creator.”
The agency claims Doug Monahan took his backpack funds and spent…

Den Automation Raised Millions To ‘Reinvent’ the Light Switch. Now It’s Lights Out For Startup

Den Automation, the once-promising UK smart home startup that raised nearly $5.8 million via equity crowdfunding and boasted former Amstrad chief Bob Watkins as CEO, has agreed to go into liquidation, The Register reported Tuesday. From the report: Documents seen by this publication show Wilkin Chapman Business Solutions Limited has been appointed as liquidators, with Ian Michael Rose and Karen Tracey…

Jimmy Wales New Social Network Skyrockets To 345,000 Members, Will Hire Journalists

Jimmy Wales’ new social network WT.Social started November with just 1,500 members. Four weeks later, it’s skyrocketed up to 345,680 members — and that’s just the beginning. Next year Wales plans to hire journalists, with the site’s users acting as their “editors-in-chief,” fulfilling the dreams Wales had for the site’s earlier incarnation as a crowd-sourced news platform Wikitribune, reports the journalism…

Migrating Russian Eagles Run Up Huge Data Roaming Charges

Russian scientists tracking migrating eagles ran out of money after some of the birds flew to Iran and Pakistan and their SMS transmitters drew huge data roaming charges. The BBC reports: After learning of the team’s dilemma, Russian mobile phone operator Megafon offered to cancel the debt and put the project on a special, cheaper tariff. The team had started crowdfunding…

‘Futurefon’ Crowdfunded on Indiegogo Was Part Of a Multimillion-dollar Scam

“The crowdfunded phone of the future was a multimillion-dollar scam,” reports the Verge: In 2014, Jeffrey Tschiltsch opened an email from Indiegogo and saw the future of computing. The email showed something called the “Dragonfly Futurefon,” a kind of computer-phone hybrid. The Futurefon’s page showed a sleek, palm-sized touchscreen that slotted into a laptop dock, then folded flat and flipped open…

Did these tardigrades survive crash-landing on the moon?

When Israel’s Beresheet lunar spacecraft crashed in April 2019, there were thousands of microscopic, dehydrated tardigrades – water bears – aboard. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/tardigrades-lunar-library-beresheet-spacecraft-crash-moon…

Panono Makes Decision To Hold Its Camera Customers Hostage Behind a Paywall

John Aldred, writing for DIYPhotography: We all know the risks when we back a crowdfunding campaign. Although the risk is typically that the project will fail, the company goes bust, never delivers on the products and all the backers are out of pocket. What backers don’t expect is that a successful campaign backed based on set terms suddenly decides to start…

Trending Business Skills

From AI to the cloud, technology is changing the future of business. To help you explore how these technologies and more can transform the way you work, we’ve rounded up some of the newest business Specializations and courses from top universities and companies on Coursera. See how blockchain is impacting the world of business from […]
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Crowdfunded Android Console Ouya Will Be Shut Down On June 25th

Razer, the gaming hardware manufacturing company that purchased Ouya’s software assets in mid-2015, announced today that the crowdfunded Android console will cease functioning on June 25th. “That date will mark the unremarkable end of what began as a runaway Kickstarter success story: the inexpensive Ouya mini-console was powered by Android and introduced games such as TowerFall,” reports The Verge. “But despite…