Next coronavirus vaccines may be drops, pills or printed on demand

The world needs new vaccines to beat novel coronavirus variants, overcome delays and solve global inequality over vaccine access – here’s what’s in the works for 2021 and beyond Source:…

The 5 best things you can do to boost the chance of a vaccine working

The coronavirus vaccines won’t work for everyone, but there are plenty of things we know can help with vaccine success, from sleeping well before a jab to avoiding doomscrolling afterwards and getting enough exercise Source:…

How effective are coronavirus vaccines at stopping transmission?

Several studies suggest that coronavirus vaccines can significantly reduce transmission of the virus, but not halt it completely – so social distancing is still necessary Source:…

2020 in review: Coronavirus vaccines made in record time

It normally takes years to develop a new vaccine, but people are already being vaccinated against the coronavirus less than 12 months since covid-19 first emerged Source:…

Should you avoid alcohol when getting a coronavirus vaccine?

Some Russian scientists are warning that people should avoid drinking alcohol around the time they receive coronavirus vaccines. But while heavy drinking can affect the immune system, it isn’t clear whether low levels of alcohol are problematic Source:…

Celebrating the Path-Breaking Research That Lead to Coronavirus Vaccines

The Washington Post tells the remarkable story of how both Moderna’s vaccine and the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine relied on a specially designed spike protein partially created by America’s Vaccine Research Center — along with messenger RNA, “a technology never before harnessed in an approved vaccine.” And also decades of path-breaking research: If, as expected in the next few weeks, regulators give those…

Experimental Antibody Treatment for Covid-19 Patients Wins ‘Emergency Approval’ in America

America’s Food and Drug Administration granted emergency authorization Saturday to an experimental antibody treatment (for people already experiencing Covid-19), reports the Washington Post: The drug, made by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, is designed to prevent infected people from developing severe illness. Instead of waiting for the body to develop its own protective immune response, the drug imitates the body’s natural defenses. It is…

YouTube, Facebook and Twitter Align To Fight Covid Vaccine Conspiracies

YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have said they will join forces with fact-checkers, governments and researchers to try to come up with a new way of tackling misinformation. From a report: Vaccine misinformation has been rife on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, with many questioning their efficacy. At the same time, countries are preparing to roll out coronavirus vaccines in a bid to…

We can’t be certain the coronavirus vaccines will stop the pandemic

Headlines about safe and effective covid-19 vaccines seem simple, but the truth is that the trials tell us far less than we assume about who will benefit from a vaccine Source:…

AstraZeneca Resumes Coronavirus Vaccine Study

“Oxford University announced Saturday it was resuming a trial for a coronavirus vaccine it is developing with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, a move that comes days after the study was suspended following a reported side-effect in a U.K. patient,” reports the Associated Press: In a statement, the university confirmed the restart across all of its U.K. clinical trial sites after regulators gave…