Google Returns to Using Humans (Instead of AI) to Moderate Content on YouTube

“Google is bringing back human moderators to oversee YouTube content, taking over from automated systems that were given more responsibilities at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,” reports Digital Trends:
YouTube revealed in late August that in the three months prior, 11.4 million videos have been removed from the platform for violating its Community Guidelines. This is the highest number of videos…

TikTok’s New CEO Says Company Will Reveal How Its Algorithms Work

In his first public statement as CEO of TikTok, former Disney exec Kevin Mayer says the company will be releasing that code that drives its content-moderation algorithms so that experts can observe how its policies are enforced in real time. He says TikTok will also reveal its data flows to regulators, and is calling on its rivals to do the same….

TikTok Plans To Odd 10,000 Jobs in US as Trump Admin Considers Banning It

TikTok said Tuesday that it plans to create 10,000 jobs in the United States over the next three years, a substantial increase from the roughly 1,400 employees it currently has in the country. From a report: The announcement comes as the company faces mounting criticism over its handling of user data and its ties to China through its parent company, ByteDance….

TikTok Plans To Add 10,000 Jobs in US as Trump Admin Considers Banning It

TikTok said Tuesday that it plans to create 10,000 jobs in the United States over the next three years, a substantial increase from the roughly 1,400 employees it currently has in the country. From a report: The announcement comes as the company faces mounting criticism over its handling of user data and its ties to China through its parent company, ByteDance….

Lawsuit Says Trump’s Social Media Crackdown Violates Free Speech

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: President Trump’s crackdown on social media companies faced a new legal challenge on Tuesday, as a technology policy organization claimed in a lawsuit that he violated the companies’ right to free speech with his executive order aimed at curtailing their legal protections. The nonprofit Center for Democracy and Technology says…

White Supremacists Built a Website To Doxx Interracial Couples

White supremacists have reportedly built a website that names, shames, and effectively promotes violence against interracial couples and families — “and it’s been circulated in some of the darkest corners of the internet, including in neo-Nazi Discord servers and accelerationist Telegram channels,” reports VICE News. An anonymous reader shares the report: The website was created in April but was taken offline…

Facebook Is Forcing Its Moderators To Log Every Second of Their Days

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: When Valera Zaicev began working in Dublin as one of Facebook’s moderators a couple years ago, he knew he’d be looking at some of the most graphic and violent content on the internet. What he didn’t know was that Facebook would be counting the seconds of his bathroom breaks. Facebook, which outsources the…

Gaggle Knows Everything About Teens And Kids In School

Gaggle monitors the work and communications of almost 5 million students in the U.S., and schools are paying big money for its services. Hundreds of company documents unveil a sprawling surveillance industrial complex that targets kids who can’t opt out. Caroline Haskins writes via BuzzFeed News: Using a combination of in-house artificial intelligence and human content moderators paid about $10 an…

Should Some Sites Be Liable For The Content They Host?

America’s lawmakers are scrutinizing the blanket protections in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which lets online companies moderate their own sites without incurring legal liability for everything they host. schwit1 shared this article from the New York Times: Last month, Senator Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, said in a hearing about Google and censorship that the law was “a…

Did WhatsApp Backdoor Rumor Come From ‘Unanswered Questions ‘ and ‘Leap of Faith’ For Closed-Source Encryption Products?

On Friday technologist Bruce Schneier wrote that after reviewing responses from WhatsApp, he’s concluded that reports of a pre-encryption backdoor are a false alarm. He also says he got an equally strong confirmation from WhatsApp’s Privacy Policy Manager Nate Cardozo, who Facebook hired last December from the EFF. “He basically leveraged his historical reputation to assure me that WhatsApp, and Facebook…