Group of Biologists Tries To Bury the Idea That Plants Are Conscious

Frustrated by more than a decade of research which claims to reveal intentions, feelings and even consciousness in plants, more traditionally minded botanists have finally snapped. Plants, they protest, are emphatically not conscious. From a report: The latest salvo in the plant consciousness wars has been fired by US, British and German biologists who argue that practitioners of “plant neurobiology” have…

Brain mysteries: A user’s guide to the biggest questions of the mind

What happens when we think? How do we explain consciousness? Why are some brains resistant to decline? We answer the biggest questions about your most important organ Source:…

Explaining consciousness and the other biggest mysteries of your brain

What happens when we think? Why are some brains resistant to decline? How do you make a brain? What makes you smart? Find out in our guide to the most important organ Source:…

How people with extreme imagination are helping explain consciousness

The first studies of people with hyperphantasia – hyper-vivid mental imagery – are revealing how our imaginations shape the world we perceive and make us who we are Source:…

Oliver Sacks’ Recommended Reading List of 46 Books: From Plants and Neuroscience, to Poetry and the Prose of Nabokov

Image by Luigi Novi. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons We remember Oliver Sacks as a neurologist, but we remember him not least because he wrote quite a few books as well. If you read those books, you’ll get a sense of Sacks’ wide range of interests — invention, perception and misperception, hallucination, and […]

Oliver Sacks’ Recommended Reading List of…

What is Camp? When the “Good Taste of Bad Taste” Becomes an Aesthetic

Even if you don’t care about high fashion or high society — to the extent that those two things have a place in the current culture — you probably glimpsed some of the coverage of what attendees wore to the Met Gala earlier this month. Or perhaps coverage isn’t strong enough a word: what most of […]

What is Camp? When the “Good…