Ask Slashdot: At What Age Should Toddlers Get Screen Time?

Slashdot reader ne0phyte73 writes: I got my first computer (a Commodore 64) when I was 13. My daughter got hers (One Laptop Per Child) when she was 5. What are the current trends? I see new AI-powered edutainment products coming to the market, targeted at toddlers. Would you give something like this to your 18 months old? (Kidshealth claims that there…

Remembering The Home Computer Christmas Wars of 1983

“1983 had seen an explosion of home computer models of varying capabilities and at various price-points,” remembers the vintage computing site Paleotronic, looking back at the historic tech battle between Commodore, Texas Instruments, and eventually Coleco. Slashdot reader beaverdownunder shares the site’s fond remembrance of the days when “The question on everyone’s minds was not who was going to win, but…

Do You Remember MIDI Music Files?

A new article at Motherboard remembers when the MIDI file format became the main way music was shared on the internet “for an incredibly short but memorable period of time…” [I]n the hunt for additional features, the two primary developers of web browsers during the era — Microsoft and Netscape — added functionality that made audio files accessible when loading websites,…

Tencent is Betting There’s a Future For Retro Games in the Cloud

While tech giants like Microsoft and Google are building cloud gaming platforms for the latest blockbuster titles, one start-up is taking a different approach. From a report: London-based firm Antstream says it wants to bring a streaming experience to retro gaming enthusiasts. The company has developed a cloud gaming service that gives players access to a library of over 2,000 classic…

‘Retro Games’ Announces A New Commodore 64

Long-time Slashdot reader cshamis tipped us off to this story in HotHardware: It is official, folks — Retro Games is releasing a full-size retro reboot of the original Commodore 64, called TheC64, on December 5… Of course, modern amenities abound for this reboot. TheC64 can connect to any modern TV via HDMI, to deliver “crisp 720p HD visuals” at 60Hz (USA)…