NASA creates new senior climate advisor role

NASA announced Wednesday it was creating a new position of senior climate advisor as part of the administration of President Joe Biden’s climate science objectives for the agency. Source:…

The New Climate War review: Reasons to be optimistic about the future

The forces fighting climate science have not been defeated, just changed tactics. But Michael Mann, a key figure in the fightback, argues for hope in his new book Source:…

Rising Levels of Carbon Dioxide Increasing Extreme Weather Events in Australia, Report Finds

Australia’s climate has entered a new era of sustained extreme weather events, such as dangerous bushfires and heatwaves, courtesy of rising average temperatures, a new report by the nation’s two government climate science agencies has found. From a report: Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, mostly from fossil fuel burning, has driven more dangerous bushfires, rising sea levels and…

From Climate Change to the Dangers of Smoking: How Powerful Interests ‘Made Us Doubt Everything’

BBC News reports:
In 1991, the trade body that represents electrical companies in the U.S., the Edison Electric Institute, created a campaign called the Information Council for the Environment which aimed to “Reposition global warming as theory (not fact)”. Some details of the campaign were leaked to the New York Times. “They ran advertising campaigns designed to undermine public support, cherry picking…

Major Study Rules Out Super-High and Low Climate Sensitivity To CO2

Scott K. Johnson writes via Ars Technica: One of the most important numbers in climate science is 3C. This isn’t about a projection of future warming or the impacts that come with it, though. It’s about how much warming you get if you double the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. That value can be made more general as a…

Facebook Creates Fact-Checking Exemption for Climate Deniers

Facebook is “aiding and abetting the spread of climate misinformation,” said Robert Brulle, an environmental sociologist at Drexel University. “They have become the vehicle for climate misinformation, and thus should be held partially responsible for a lack of action on climate change.” From a report: Brulle was reacting to Facebook’s recent decision, made at the request of climate science deniers, to…

A Trump Insider Embeds Climate Denial in Scientific Research

An official at the Interior Department embarked on a campaign that has inserted misleading language about climate change — including debunked claims that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial — into the agency’s scientific reports, the New York Times reported Monday, citing internal documents. From the report: The misleading language appears in at least nine reports, including environmental studies…

A Quarter of All Tweets About Climate Crisis Produced By Bots

XXongo writes: According to a yet-to-be-published study from Brown University of the origin of 6.5 million tweets about climate and global warming, a quarter of all tweets about climate on an average day are produced by bots, disproportionately skeptical of climate science and action. The Brown University study wasn’t able to identify any individuals or groups behind the battalion of Twitter…

Problems in social science are being used to discredit climate science

A US conference may be using the reproducibility crisis in the social sciences in an attempt to discredit climate science, and scientists question whether to attend and push back Source:…

Amazon fires quickening glacier melting in Andes

The burning rainforest releases black carbon into the atmosphere, which, according to a growing number of scientific studies, directly contributes to the melting of glaciers. Source:…