Can Artificial Intelligence Restore 85-Year-Old Popeye Cartoons?

A Slashdot reader shared an anonymous tip about “new consumer-grade artificial intelligence employed to restore 85 year-old Popeye cartoons, using only the available digital copies as sources for the remastering.” It’s eerie to see vintage cartoons like Popeye the Sailor meets Sindbad the Sailor upgraded to high resolution. It’s apparently the work of Cartoon Renewal Studios, a group “Dedicated to the…

Real-life ‘Wile E. Coyote’ chases roadrunner

The spectacle of a coyote chasing an actual roadrunner has been captured on video by a university professor. In the classic ‘Looney Tunes’ cartoons, t… Source:…

Tom Gauld’s fantastic new collection of funny science cartoons

Tom Gauld’s science cartoons appear weekly in New Scientist. He explains how he gets his ideas as his latest collection, Department of Mind-Blowing Theories, hits the shelves Source:…

What Are the Best Free Streaming Services?

An anonymous reader shares some free streaming media options: There’s over 10,000 public domain audiobooks at, created by volunteers reading public domain works. (If you’ve got time, why not record yourself reading your own favorite public domain poem or novel?) And there’s also a lot of free audiobooks (and ebooks) available through Hoopla, a free “digital media” service that’s partnering…

Netflix Secures International Rights To Studio Ghibli Animated Films

The iconic animated features of Japan’s Studio Ghibli will be available in territories outside the U.S., Canada and Japan on Netflix starting in February. From a report: The move is a further change of position for the studio which has repeatedly resisted the idea that its beloved cartoons would be released on digital platforms. Netflix, sales agent Wild Bunch, and Studio…

Is ‘The Far Side’ Comic Strip Coming Back?

An anonymous reader quotes the Guardian:
Fans of the surreal, the bizarre and sardonic anthropomorphic cows are in a fervour after The Far Side cartoonist Gary Larson’s website was updated last weekend with promises of “a new online era”, 24 years after the reclusive creator retired at the age of 44. Larson’s iconic Far Side cartoons were syndicated in more than 1,900…

Evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line

If you go by cartoons and T-shirts, you might think evolution proceeds as an orderly march toward a preordained finish line. But evolution has no endpoint in mind. Source:…