Tens of Suspects Arrested For Cashing-out Santander ATMs Using Software Glitch

An anonymous reader writes: The FBI and local police have made tens of arrests across the tri-state area this week as part of a crackdown against multiple criminal gangs who exploited a glitch in the software of Santander ATMs to cash-out more money than was stored on cards. According to reports in local media, the bulk of the arrests took place…

Born under the sign of Ophiuchus?

Born between November 29 and December 18? If so, the sun passes in front of Ophiuchus on your birthday. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/born-between-november-29-and-december-18-heres-your-constellation…

Reviewer Calls Linux-based PinePhone ‘the Most Interesting Smartphone I’ve Tried in Years’

A review at the Android Police site calls Pine64’s new Linux-based PinePhone “the most interesting smartphone I’ve tried in years,” with 17 different operating systems available (including Fedora, Ubuntu Touch, SailfishOS, openSUSE, and Arch Linux ARM): There’s a replaceable battery, which is compatible with batteries designed for older Samsung Galaxy J7 phones. It’s good to know that even if PinePhone vanished…

CIA Declassifies Cold War-Era Plans for a ‘Nuclear Bird Drone’

“During the Cold War, the CIA considered building a bird-sized drone designed to spy on the communist bloc,” reports Popular Mechanics. “The drone would carry ‘black box’ spy packages into Russia and China, as well as take secret photographs — all while hiding in plain sight disguised as a bird…” The project envisioned a fleet of 12 bird-shaped drones, powered by…

Belarus Has Shut Down the Internet Amid a Controversial Election

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Wired: Internet connectivity and cellular service in Belarus have been down since Sunday evening, after sporadic outages early that morning and throughout the day. The connectivity blackout, which also includes landline phones, appears to be a government-imposed outage that comes amid widespread protests and increasing social unrest over Belarus’ presidential election Sunday. The ongoing…

Richard Stallman Discusses Privacy Risks of Bitcoin, Suggests ‘Something Much Better’

Richard Stallman gave a new interview to the site Cointelegraph, which asked him his feelings about cryptocurrencies. “I’m not against them,” Stallman answers “I’m not campaigning to eliminate them, I just don’t particularly want to use them.” Cointelegraph then asks Stallman how he feels about tests underway for the Chinese government’s own central bank digital currency: Richard Stallman: “Digital payment systems…

Stet!, the Hot New Language Game

The game Stet!, a spinoff of the book “Dreyer’s English,” is an excellent way to prepare for a copy-editing test and pairs well with a gin-and-tonic. Mary Norris, writing for The New Yorker: Nerdsday fell on a Tuesday this year, and I invited a friend over for a doubleheader: a round of Stet!, the new language game based on “Dreyer’s English,”…

Can a quantum strategy help bring down the house?

In some versions of the game blackjack, one way to win against the house is for players at the table to work as a team to keep track of and covertly communicate amongst each other the cards they have been dealt. With that knowledge, they can then estimate the cards still in the deck, and those most likely to be dealt…

Is Your Chip Card Secure? Much Depends on Where You Bank

A recent series of malware attacks on U.S.-based merchants suggest thieves are exploiting weaknesses in how certain financial institutions have implemented the technology in chip-based credit and debit cards to sidestep key security features and effectively create usable, counterfeit cards. Brian Krebs reports via Krebs on Security: Traditional payment cards encode cardholder account data in plain text on a magnetic stripe,…

Apple Being Sued For Refusing To Help iTunes Gift Card Scam Victims

“Apple is being sued for allegedly refusing to help those who have fallen victim to a iTunes gift card scam,” reports 9to5Mac, in an article shared by Slashdot reader AmiMoJo:
An 11-count class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. Apple is accused of lying when it says that there is no way to trace or refund the value of the…