Tech Organizations Back ‘Inclusive Naming Initiative’

New submitter LeeLynx shares a report from The Register: A new group called the “Inclusive Naming Initiative” has revealed its existence and mission “to help companies and projects remove all harmful and unclear language of any kind and replace it with an agreed-upon set of neutral terms.” Akamai, Cisco, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, IBM, the Linux Foundation, Red Hat, and…

‘No, Microsoft Won’t Rebase Windows to Linux’ Argues Canonical’s Manager for Ubuntu on WSL

Last month Eric Raymond suggested Microsoft might be moving to a Linux kernel that emulates Windows. ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols argued such a move “makes perfect sense”, and open source advocate Jack Wallen even suggested Microsoft abandon Windows altogether for a new distro named Microsoft Linux. It eventually drew the attention of Canonical’s engineering manager for Ubuntu on WSL,…

Should Perl 7 Be Backwards Compatible?

Long-time Slashdot reader destinyland writes: What’s up with Perl 7? Perl Foundation board member Ricardo Signes tried to sum up the state of the community in a detailed post to the “Perl 5 porters” mailing list. And in a section titled “To Break or Not To Break,” he writes that “The central Perl 7 question is not about version numbering, but…

Is Your Chip Card Secure? Much Depends on Where You Bank

A recent series of malware attacks on U.S.-based merchants suggest thieves are exploiting weaknesses in how certain financial institutions have implemented the technology in chip-based credit and debit cards to sidestep key security features and effectively create usable, counterfeit cards. Brian Krebs reports via Krebs on Security: Traditional payment cards encode cardholder account data in plain text on a magnetic stripe,…

Perl 7 Announced As Evolving Perl 5 With Modern Defaults

Taking place this week is the virtual Perl + Raku “Conference in the Cloud” as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic causing the event to go virtual. A big announcement out of it is Perl 7. From a report: Perl 7 basically amounts to Perl 5 with more modern defaults and foregoing some of the extensive backward compatibility support found with…

New CPU Performance Testing Concludes AMD Beats Intel

An anonymous reader quote Hot Hardware:
If you’re looking for the best gaming CPU or the best CPU for desktop applications, there are only two choices to pick from: AMD and Intel. That fact has spawned an almost religious following for both camps, and the resulting flamewars, that make it tricky to get unbiased advice about the best choice for your next…

PlayStation 2 Is Now Officially 20 Years Old

The PlayStation 2 is celebrating its 20th anniversary as it launched in Japan on March 4, 2000. “It was released in the U.S., Europe and the rest of the world a year later and would go on to become the best-selling console of all time,” reports GiveMeSport. From the report: To put this into context, its main rivals at the time,…

Are You Ready for the End of Python 2?

“Users of an old version of the popular Python language face a reckoning at the end of the year,” reports Wired, calling it a programmer’s “own version of update hell.” The developers who maintain Python, who work for a variety of organizations or simply volunteer their time, say they will stop supporting Python 2 on January 1, 2020 — more than…

Microsoft Will Model the Entire Planet For ‘Breathtakingly Lifelike’ New Flight Simulator

A senior editor at the Experimental Aircraft Association tells the long and storied history of Microsoft’s Flight Simulator, remembering how he’d used version 1.0 of the product “when I was about 12 years old (nearly 40 years ago)” before working on it when he was a Microsoft employee for more than 10 years, until it was cancelled in 2009. But in…