The Pineal Gland, Seat of Spiritual Connection

You may think of the spiritual world as being completely beyond and outside of the body, but in fact spirituality is a built-in feature of the human brain. Just as we have ears to help us hear sound waves and eyes to help us see shapes and colors, we have a bodily organ to help […] Source:…

How to Use Your Senses to Awaken Your Brain

As miraculous as the human brain is, it would be worthless without the senses that connect us to the outside word. Any time you use one of the five senses—touch, sight, hearing, smell, or taste—you are receiving messages directly from the world around you. Together, they give us our perception of the world and our […] Source:…

Two Simple Breathing Techniques that Your Brain Will Love

Of the many techniques I have created and incorporated into my Brain Education method, seven are most useful and form the foundation of the practice: breathing, meditation, energy sensitivity, exercise, senses, information, and imagination. Over the course of the next few months in my Patheos blog posts, I will write about each one of them […] Source:…