Humans are cooling down so average body temperature is no longer 37°C

Everybody knows that the normal human body temperature is 37°C, but that hasn’t been true since the 19th century Source:…

T. rex had an air conditioner in its head

How did the huge dinosaurs stay cool?  According to a new study, they did it much as today’s alligators do, with a built-in ‘air conditioner’ on the top of their skulls. Source:…

Eclipses make animals do strange things

How do solar and lunar eclipses influence animal behavior? While the human world gathers to see tonight’s lunar eclipse, what’s the rest of nature doing? Source:…

Two Simple Breathing Techniques that Your Brain Will Love

Of the many techniques I have created and incorporated into my Brain Education method, seven are most useful and form the foundation of the practice: breathing, meditation, energy sensitivity, exercise, senses, information, and imagination. Over the course of the next few months in my Patheos blog posts, I will write about each one of them […] Source:…