DeepMind’s AI Agent MuZero Could Turbocharge YouTube

DeepMind’s latest AI program can attain “superhuman performance” in tasks without needing to be given the rules. From a report: Like the research hub’s earlier artificial intelligence agents, MuZero achieved mastery in dozens of old Atari video games, chess, and the Asian board games of Go and Shogi. But unlike its predecessors, it had to work out their rules for itself….

Best Black Friday board game deals for kids who love science

This Black Friday is the perfect time to grab fun and educational science board games that are perfect for the whole family! Source:

How Crowdfunding Transformed Tabletop Board Games

The board game Frosthaven has become Kickstarter’s “most-funded board game on the site ever, with nearly $13 million pledged toward funding the game’s development,” reports NPR. “Only two projects have ever crowdsourced more funding on the site.” NPR sees a larger trend:
Frosthaven’s success seemed to exemplify a shift that has been happening in the tabletop gaming community for years: toward games…

Board Games Are Getting Really, Really Popular

An anonymous reader shares a report: Jonathan Kay, co-author of the new book Your Move: What Board Games Teach Us About Life, has largely given up on movies and TV, and has instead made tabletop gaming his primary mode of recreation. “It has a social function in my life, and an intellectual function,” Kay says in Episode 392 of the Geek’s…

The Weird and Mysterious History of the Ouija Board

Of all of the ways of supposedly contacting the dead and the world beyond what we see, by far the most widely available and easy-to-use is the Ouija board. It has variously called a party game or a potent window to another realm, and has been the basis for numerous movies, books, and TV shows…. Read more » Source:…

Vox Sentences: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?”


9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source:…

Altered Carbon Gets an RPG, Frankenstein Has an Heir, and More in Tabletop Gaming News

Welcome back to Gaming Shelf, io9's regular column all about the fantastic world of board games and tabletop roleplaying games—focusing on sci-fi and fantasy, of course. This time around we’ve got some exciting announcements in the worlds of Altered Carbon and Magic: The Gathering, as well as a Kickstarter for a story…Read more… Source:…

If You Don’t Want to Live On This Planet Anymore, Terraforming Mars Is the Perfect Board Game

Terraforming Mars is a board game about, uh, terraforming Mars. It has great reviews on Amazon, an 8.4 rating on Board Game Geek, and is down to its best price since last April. If you have some family time to kill over the next few weeks, each game should last you a couple of hours… Continue reading If You Don’t Want to Live On This Planet Anymore, Terraforming Mars Is the Perfect Board Game