The Further Adventures of that Monolith Stolen in Utah

A Utah newstation interviewed the men claiming responsibility for removing the original monolith in Utah, who reveal where, why, and how they took it: Homer Manson described how they brought tools, but in the end they were able to simply push the monolith over and it fell on the ground… “We actually passed another crew on the way out, they were…

That Mysterious Silver Monolith In the Utah Desert Has Disappeared

Slashdot reader Iwastheone quotes CNN: A tall, silver, shining metal monolith discovered in the desert in southeastern Utah — which prompted theories of alien placement and drew determined hikers to its secret location — has now disappeared, the state’s Bureau of Land Management said Saturday. The monolith was removed by an “unknown party” sometime Friday night, the agency said in a…

250 Microsoft Employees Call on CEO To Cancel Police Contracts and Support Defunding Seattle PD

Hundreds of Microsoft employees have signed a letter to the company’s top executives asking for Microsoft to take action in the wake of national protests. From a report: The letter, which was obtained by OneZero, requests that Microsoft cancel contracts with the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and other law enforcement agencies, asks the company to formally support the Black Lives Matter…