Honor Launches First Post-Huawei Phone

Honor, the Chinese smartphone brand formerly owned by Huawei, launched the V40, its first device since being sold off. CNBC reports: Huawei sold Honor, its budget smartphone brand, in November to a consortium of buyers in China, as a way to help the unit survive in the face of U.S. sanctions. In 2019, Huawei was put on a U.S. export blacklist…

US Blacklists Dozens of Chinese Firms Including SMIC

The United States confirmed on Friday it will add dozens of Chinese companies, including the country’s top chipmaker, SMIC, and Chinese drone giant DJI to a trade blacklist. From a report: The move, which was first reported by Reuters, is seen as the latest in President Donald Trump’s efforts to cement his tough-on-China legacy. It comes just weeks before Democratic President-elect…

China Requires Real Names, Bans Spending By Teens In New Curbs On Livestreaming

New submitter SirKveldulv shares a report from Nikkei Asia: Livestreaming platforms now must limit the amount of money a user can give hosts as a tip. Users must register their real names to buy the virtual gifts, in addition to the ban on teens giving such gifts. The [National Radio and Television Administration, China’s media watchdog] also asked the platforms to…

Tech Organizations Back ‘Inclusive Naming Initiative’

New submitter LeeLynx shares a report from The Register: A new group called the “Inclusive Naming Initiative” has revealed its existence and mission “to help companies and projects remove all harmful and unclear language of any kind and replace it with an agreed-upon set of neutral terms.” Akamai, Cisco, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, IBM, the Linux Foundation, Red Hat, and…

China Preparing an Antitrust Investigation Into Google

China is preparing to launch an antitrust probe into Google, looking into allegations it has leveraged the dominance of its Android mobile operating system to stifle competition, Reuters reported Wednesday, citing two people familiar with the matter. From the report: The case was proposed by telecommunications equipment giant Huawei last year and has been submitted by the country’s top market regulator…

Chinese Leaders Split Over Releasing Blacklist of US Companies

Beijing has sped up development of a blacklist that could be used to punish American technology firms, but officials say leaders are hesitating to pull the trigger, with some arguing a decision on the list should wait till after the U.S. election. From a report: The debate highlights Beijing’s continued grappling with how to respond to the Trump administration without driving…

US Tightening Restrictions on Huawei Access To Technology, Chips

The Trump administration announced on Monday it will further tighten restrictions on Huawei Technologies, aimed at cracking down on its access to commercially available chips. From a report: The U.S. Commerce Department actions will expand restrictions announced in May aimed at preventing the Chinese telecommunications giant from obtaining semiconductors without a special license — including chips made by foreign firms that…

The Linux Team Approves New Neutral Terminology

An anonymous reader quotes ZDNet: Linus Torvalds approved on Friday a new and more inclusive terminology for the Linux kernel code and documentation. Going forward, Linux developers have been asked to use new terms for the master/slave and blacklist/whitelist terminologies… The Linux team did not recommend any specific terms but asked developers to choose as appropriate. The new terms are to…

Twitter Engineers Replacing Racially Loaded Tech Terms Like ‘Master,’ ‘Slave’

For Regynald Augustin, a Black programmer at Twitter, the impetus for change arrived in an email last year with the phrase “automatic slave rekick.” The words were just part of an engineering discussion about restarting a secondary process, but they prompted Augustin to start trying to change Twitter’s use of words with racist connections. Augustin was used to seeing the term…

JPMorgan Drops Terms ‘Master,’ ‘Slave’ From Internal Tech Code and Materials

JPMorgan Chase is eliminating terms like “blacklist,” “master” and “slave” from its internal technology materials and code as it seeks to address racism within the company, said two sources with knowledge of the move. Reuters reports: The terms had appeared in some of the bank’s technology policies, standards and control procedures, as well in the programming code that runs some of…