The Free Software Foundation Wants You To Celebrate Its 35th Anniversary

“Today, on October 4th, the Free Software Foundation (FSF) celebrates its thirty-fifth year of fighting for software freedom,” announces a blog post at
Our work will not be finished until every computer user is able to do all of their digital tasks in complete freedom — whether that’s on a desktop, laptop, or the computer in your pocket. The fight for…

Cloudflare’s Privacy Crusade Continues With a Challenge To Google Analytics

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Fortune: Cloudflare is launching a privacy-friendly rival to Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a free toolkit that’s used by website administrators across the globe to help them track the behavior of the people visiting those sites — how they find them, what they do there, the devices they’re using, and so on. However, the…

Wikipedia Is Getting Its First Major Redesign In a Decade

koavf writes: In order to make the desktop experience more readable and less overwhelming to new users, Wikipedia is being redesigned to move page elements, collapse in the sidebar, and decrease the maximum line width. From Diff, the Wikimedia community blog:Forthcoming changes to the desktop include a reconfigured logo, collapsible sidebar, table of contents, and more! You can see the full…

Amazon Providing CS Education For 550,000+ Schoolchildren Amid Pandemic

theodp writes: Amazon on Monday issued a press release noting it will provide Computer Science Education for 550,000+ K-12 students annually across 5,000+ schools nationwide amid the COVID-19 pandemic. “Amazon Future Engineer coursework can be done virtually to help ensure students stay on track and continue to prepare for the jobs of the future,” Amazon explained. Amazon Future Engineer also launched…

A Bug In Joe Biden’s Campaign App Gave Anyone Access To Millions of Voter Files

schwit1 shares a report from TechCrunch: A privacy bug in Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s official campaign app allowed anyone to look up sensitive voter information on millions of Americans, a security researcher has found. The campaign app, Vote Joe, allows Biden supporters to encourage friends and family members to vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential election by uploading their phone’s…

The Future of Our Workplace: Remote, On Campus, and Blended Options for Employees

By Rich Jacquet, Chief People Officer At Coursera, we believe location shouldn’t limit access to world-class learning, and we’re bringing this mindset to the way we evolve our workplace. Today we announced that employees can continue to work remotely until January 1, 2022, when we anticipate bringing our offices back to full service. Giving all […]
The post The Future of Our…

How Bill Gates Celebrated Warren Buffett’s 90th Birthday

The seventh-wealthiest man in the world, Warren Buffett, turns 90 today. Famously the tycoon/philanthropist pledged to give away 90% of his wealth, founding with Bill and Melinda Gates “The Giving Pledge,” a campaign urging the world’s wealthiest individuals to dedicate the majority of their wealth to giving back. Over $1.2 trillion has now been pledged, with participants including Elon Musk, Ted…

Neil Gaiman, William Shatner Join ‘Read-a-Thon’ Celebrating Ray Bradbury’s 100th Birthday

An anonymous reader quotes Rolling Stone:
To mark what would have been author Ray Bradbury’s 100th birthday on August 22nd, the Library of Congress, the Los Angeles Public Library and libraries from across the nation have banded together for a virtual “read-a-thon” dedicated to Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. Actors William Shatner and Rachel Bloom, authors Susan Orlean, Marlon James and Neil Gaiman and…

Born under the sign of Ophiuchus?

Born between November 29 and December 18? If so, the sun passes in front of Ophiuchus on your birthday. Source:…

Happy Birthday to Debian, CPAN, and Mutt

27 years ago today, in 1993, Debian first appeared in the world. August 16th has since been recognized as “DebianDay,” celebrated shortly before the annual Debian Conference — with lots of ways to get involved, according to
Today is also an opportunity for you to start or resume your contributions to Debian. For example, you can scratch your creative itch and…