Lake Baikal: Earth’s deepest, oldest lake

Lake Baikal in southern Siberia is 25 million years old and more than 5,000 feet (1,500 meters) deep. More than 2,500 plant and animal species have been documented in the lake, most found nowhere else. Controversy surrounds construction of hydropower stations on a river that feeds the lake. Source:…

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Vesak, the Buddha’s Birthday

Buddhist celebrate Vesak, Sri Lanka president pardons a Buddhist nationalist leader, and a new app offers meditation by and for people of color. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Vesak, the Buddha’s Birthday appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

US Birthrate Is Lowest In 32 Years, CDC Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: The U.S. birthrate fell again in 2018, to 3,788,235 births — representing a 2% drop from 2017. It’s the lowest number of births in 32 years, according to a new federal report. The numbers also sank the U.S. fertility rate to a record low. Not since 1986 has the U.S. seen so few…

Giant devil rays’ secret birthing zone?

The discovery of dozens of pregnant giant devil rays tangled in fishing nets in Mexico’s Gulf of California could mean the endangered species has an unknown birthing zone there, says a new study. Source:…

When is the next Blue Moon?

You might know the definition of Blue Moon as the 2nd of 2 full moons in a calendar month. But there’s another kind of Blue Moon … coming up on May 18, 2019. Source:…

65 years after Brown v. Board of Education, school segregation is getting worse


Star formation burst created 50% of Milky Way disk stars

Analysis of data from the Gaia satellite shows a powerful burst of star formation – a stellar baby boom – in our Milky Way galaxy 2 to 3 billion years ago. This single burst might have created half the stars in the galaxy’s flat disk. Source:…