Universidad de los Andes Will Develop Latin America’s First Top-Tier Online Master’s in Software Engineering on Coursera

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Automation and technology are disrupting jobs worldwide while also  creating a strong demand for software engineering and IT professionals, and Latin America is no exception. The region currently has an estimated shortage of nearly 450,000 IT professionals, with a gap of more than 25,000 individuals in Colombia […]
The post Universidad de los Andes…

Universidad de los Andes and Coursera Will Develop Latin America’s First Top-Tier Online Master’s in Software Engineering

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Automation and technology are disrupting jobs worldwide while also  creating a strong demand for software engineering and IT professionals, and Latin America is no exception. The region currently has an estimated shortage of nearly 450,000 IT professionals, with a gap of more than 25,000 individuals in Colombia […]
The post Universidad de los Andes…

Why We Should Teach Kids to Call the Robot ‘It’

As a new generation grows up surrounded by AI, researchers find education as early as preschool can help avoid confusion about robots’ role. From a report: Today’s small children, aka Generation Alpha, are the first to grow up with robots as peers. Those winsome talking devices spawned by a booming education-tech industry can speed children’s learning, but they also can be…

AI Startup Claims To Automate App Making But Actually Just Uses Humans

Engineer.ai, an Indian startup claiming to have built an artificial intelligence-assisted app development platform, is not in fact using AI to literally build apps, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal. Instead, the company, which has attracted nearly $30 million in funding from a SoftBank-owned firm and others, is reportedly relying mostly on human engineers, while using hype around…

How Netflix Is Using Its Muscle To Push Filmmaking Technology Boundaries

Carolyn Giardina from The Hollywood Reporter writes about the growing influence Netflix has from hardware and software development to industry display standards. For example, as recently as six months ago, Netflix forbid Hollywood cinematographers from using a highly-popular camera because the standard model employed a 3.2K resolution sensor instead of a 4K sensor required for the streamer’s original programming. Netflix also…

University of Alberta partners with Coursera to teach the foundations of Reinforcement Learning with new Specialization

By Dil Sidhu, Chief Content Officer at Coursera Alpha Zero, the program that beat the world’s best chess player, is among the most well-known examples of what is called Reinforcement Learning (RL). Considered by many to be the breakthrough for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Reinforcement Learning is truly unique in that it creates […]
The post University of Alberta partners…

Trending Tech Skills

New technologies are changing the way the world works. As a result, governments and organizations are looking for talent with skills that will prepare them for the future. According to our analysis of global skills, demand for technology skills has increased 13% across the globe in the last year. Other important skills like Kubernetes, robotic […]
The post Trending Tech Skills appeared…

An Automation Tipping Point? The Rise of ‘Robotics as a Service’

“Robotics-as-a-service (RaaS) is about to eat the world of work” argues Hooman Radfar, a partner at the startup studio Expa who’s been “actively investing in and looking for new companies” catalyzing the change.”
Companies buy massive robots and software solutions that are customized — at great cost — to their specific needs. The massive conglomerates that sell these robots have dominated the…

Robots To Take 20 Million Jobs, Worsening Inequality, Study Finds

A new study by Oxford Economics, a private British-based research and consulting firm, says robots are expected to take over some 20 million manufacturing jobs worldwide by 2030, extending a trend of worsening social inequality while boosting overall economic output. “The forecast set to be released Wednesday highlights growing concerns that automation and robots, while offering economic benefits, are disproportionately killing…

Are Universal Basic Income Proponents Making the Wrong Arguments?

An assistant professor of finance at Stony Brook University criticizes the argument that technology “is quickly displacing a large number of workers, and the pace will only increase as automation and other forms of artificial intelligence become more advanced,” specifically calling out Universal Basic Income proponents Elon Musk, Andrew Yang, and YCombinator Chairman Sam Altman: The problem is, there’s no indication…