Twitch Censors Live Metallica Performance with Dorkiest Music Imaginable

In the year 2000, Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich answered questions from Slashdot’s readers. Late Friday night, the AV Club described Metallica’s appearance at the opening ceremonies for the (now online) version of Blizzard Entertainment’s annual event BlizzCon: The opening ceremonies were being broadcast online, both through the official BlizzCon page, YouTube, and Twitch. And you know what happens when licensed music…

71-Year-Old Slashdot Reader Describes His ‘Moderate’ Case of Covid

71-year-old Hugh Pickens (Slashdot reader #49,171) is a physicist who explored for oil in the Amazon jungle, commissioned microwave communications systems in Saudi Arabia, and built satellite control stations for Goddard Space Flight Center around the world including Australia, Antarctica, and Guam. After retiring in 1999, he wrote over 1,400 Slashdot posts, and in the site’s 23-year history still remains one…

What’s the August birthstone?

Happy birthday, August babies! Your month has 2 birthstones, peridot and sardonyx. Source:…

Whatever Happened to the ‘Flash Crash’ Trader?

British stock trader Navinder Sarao was accused of helping cause a $1 trillion stock market crash in 2010. But the rest of his story is now being told in a new book titled Flash Crash: A Trading Savant, a Global Manhunt, and the Most Mysterious Market Crash in History. “I think that he was a gamer and, for him, markets were…

Snowden Warns Governments Are Using Coronavirus To Build ‘The Architecture of Oppression’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Vice: Snowden is the first guest in the new ‘Shelter in Place’ series debuting on VICE TV on Thursday at 10 p.m. EST, which looks at the global response to COVID-19 and its lasting impact around the world. VICE co-founder Shane Smith will discuss these themes, as well as how to survive quarantine, with…

Doc Searls: ‘Zoom Needs to Clean Up Its Privacy Act’

The former editor-in-chief of the Linux Journal just published an annotated version of Zoom’s privacy policy. Searls calls it “creepily chummy with the tracking-based advertising biz (also called adtech).
I’ll narrow my inquiry down to the “Does Zoom sell Personal Data?” section of the privacy policy, which was last updated on March 18. The section runs two paragraphs, and I’ll comment on…

Gizmodo’s Disappearing Story Explains Why No One Trusts Facebook

“On Friday, Gizmodo uncovered shocking new evidence that Facebook is using its platform to suppress stories about CEO Mark Zuckerberg…” reports Gizmodo, adding “or maybe his janky, busted-ass website is just bugging out again for no reason. It’s hard to say, really. That’s sort of the problem…” For some reason, a story about Zuckerberg we posted to our Facebook page was…

Some of the Best Video Game Streamers Are Senior Citizens

“As we’ve discussed in the past, old people are some of the only video game streamers worth watching,” writes the AV Club: Filled with the wisdom that comes from age, seniors are the necessary corrective to Twitch and YouTube channels currently dominated by excitable whippersnappers. Fortunately, as outlined in a piece NBC’s Kalhan Rosenblatt that explores this world, video games are…