May 18 Blue Moon near Antares, Jupiter, Ceres

In North America, the May full moon carries the name Flower Moon. 2019’s May full moon on the 18th is a Blue Moon, the 3rd of 4 moons in a season. This Blue Moon will be near bright Antares and brighter Jupiter. It’ll be poised to occult dwarf planet Ceres. Source:…

Full moon falls on May 18

Full moon – when the moon is most opposite the sun for this month – falls on May 18, 2019, at 21:11 UTC. As the 3rd of 4 full moons in a season, it’ll be called a Blue Moon. Source:…

Moon and Spica on May 15 and 16

Meet Spica in the constellation Virgo, one of our sky’s most fascinating stars. On May 15 and 16, 2019, the moon is near Spica, which the only bright star in the large, rambling constellation Virgo the Maiden. Source:…

Arcturus cuts through the galaxy’s disk

Arcturus isn’t moving solely within the flat disk of our Milky Way galaxy. It’s cutting perpendicularly through the disk. Millions of years from now, it’ll be lost from view, at least for those who are earthbound and looking with the eye alone. Source:…

Spica is a whirling double star

Spica’s 2 stars orbit a common center of gravity in only 4 days. Their mutual gravity distorts each star into an egg shape, with the pointed ends facing each other. Source:…

How Facebook Mis-Captioned the Launch of a NASA Supply Rocket

An anonymous reader quotes Ars Technica:
An Antares rocket built by Northrop Grumman launched on Wednesday afternoon, boosting a Cygnus spacecraft with 3.4 tons of cargo toward the International Space Station. The launch from Wallops Island, Virginia, went flawlessly, and the spacecraft arrived at the station on Friday. However, when NASA’s International Space Station program posted the launch video to its Facebook…