Melting small glaciers could add 10 inches to sea level by 2100

A new analysis of 200,000 glaciers worldwide paints a picture of a future planet with a lot less ice and a lot more water. Source:…

More West Antarctic glacier ice now unstable

By combining 25 years of satellite data, scientists have discovered that warming ocean waters have caused the ice to thin so rapidly that 24% of the glacier ice in West Antarctica is now affected. Source:…

May 18 Blue Moon near Antares, Jupiter, Ceres

In North America, the May full moon carries the name Flower Moon. 2019’s May full moon on the 18th is a Blue Moon, the 3rd of 4 moons in a season. This Blue Moon will be near bright Antares and brighter Jupiter. It’ll be poised to occult dwarf planet Ceres. Source:…

Oliver Sacks’ Recommended Reading List of 46 Books: From Plants and Neuroscience, to Poetry and the Prose of Nabokov

Image by Luigi Novi. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons We remember Oliver Sacks as a neurologist, but we remember him not least because he wrote quite a few books as well. If you read those books, you’ll get a sense of Sacks’ wide range of interests — invention, perception and misperception, hallucination, and […]

Oliver Sacks’ Recommended Reading List of…

Penguin and seal dung nourishes organisms that are kilometres away

Nitrogen from penguin and seal faeces in Antarctica can spread to an area up to 240 times the original colony, which serves as a vital nutrient for other plants and animals Source:…

Herbie Hancock’s Joyous Soundtrack for the Original Fat Albert TV Special (1969)

Millions of kids grew up with the groovy yet educational cartoon comedy of Fat Albert, and millions of adults may find it difficult or impossible now to watch the show without thinking of the crimes of its creator. Such is life in the 21st century, but so it was too at the end of the […]

Herbie Hancock’s Joyous Soundtrack for the…