It’s officially now the worst ever August for Amazon deforestation

The amount of Amazon rainforest being cleared in Brazil has hit a record high. But president Jair Bolsonaro is moving to ban the setting of fires for two months Source:…

Amazon fires viewed from ISS

Amazon rainforest fires … the view from space. Source:…

Why the Amazon is burning: 4 reasons

Nearly 40,000 fires are incinerating Brazil’s Amazon rainforest. Apocalyptic as this sounds, science suggests it’s not too late to save the Amazon. Source:…

Brazil Tries Deploying Its Military To Fight Fires in the Amazon

“As an ecological disaster in the Amazon escalated into a global political crisis, Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, took the rare step on Friday of mobilising the armed forces to help contain blazes of a scale not seen in nearly a decade,” reports the New York Times: The sudden reversal, after days of dismissing growing concern over hundreds of fires raging across…

Record Amazon rainforest fires spark row between Brazil and France

The Brazilian space agency, INPE, this week reported more than 75,000 fires across the Brazilian part of the world’s greatest rainforest, up 84 per cent on last year Source:…

Amazon Rainforest is Burning at an Unprecedented Rate

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has said his government lacks the resources to fight the record number of fires in the Amazon. And he again suggested that non-governmental organizations had started fires in the rainforest, but admitted he had no evidence for this claim. From a report: He added that his government was investigating the fires. Earlier, Brazil’s Environment Minister Ricardo Salles…

The Amazon rainforest depends on fires in Africa for a vital nutrient

We thought the Amazon got the essential nutrient phosphorus from Saharan dust. Now it appears it mainly comes from forest fires and people burning wood Source:…

Striking Photos Capture the Unnatural Transformation of the Amazon Rainforest

There was this moment last year when I was sitting in the quietest place in the U.S. and a plane flew overhead, breaking the cocoon of natural sound. It was the sonic emulation of the world we’re creating, writ large. Humanity has crept into every nook and cranny of the planet, and now we’re being forced to confront…Read more…Source:…