Scientists around the world are striking against racism in academia

Academics are gathering under the #ShutDownSTEM and #Strike4BlackLives hashtags to participate in a strike advocating for action against racism in science Source:…

Scientists to strike on June 10 #ShutDownSTEM #Strike4BlackLives

EarthSky is joining the grassroots effort to #ShutDownSTEM and #Strike4BlackLives on Wednesday, June 10. Thousands of researchers around the world have pledged to pause their work on Wednesday to support the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement and efforts against racism in the scientific community and society at large. Source:…

How to Increase Female Participation in STEM (Gender Gap)

While you’ve likely heard the reasons why women leave STEM fields, Dr. Diana Bilimoria researches why they stay along with other ways to develop and advance the careers of women in STEM. Recognized internationally for her leadership and research, Dr. Diana Bilimoria is a Key Bank Professor and Chair of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead […]
The post How to Increase Female…

White House Earmarks New Money For AI and Quantum Computing

The Trump administration on Monday unveiled its $4.8 trillion budget proposal which, among other things, includes plans to increase federal funding for the development of AI and quantum computing. “The technologies are expected to become an important part of national security, and some worry the United States is behind China in their development,” reports The New York Times. From the report:…

Google Releases a Tool To Spot Faked and Doctored Images

Jigsaw, a technology incubator at Google, has released an experimental platform called Assembler to help journalists and front-line fact-checkers quickly verify images. MIT Technology Review reports: Assembler combines several existing techniques in academia for detecting common manipulation techniques, including changing image brightness and pasting copied pixels elsewhere to cover up something while retaining the same visual texture. It also includes a…

Announcing the Essential Skills Playbook

By Leah Belsky, VP of Enterprise, Coursera Today we launched the Essential Skills Playbook, and I couldn’t be more excited to bring this to business and governments around the world committed to investing in skill development.  The Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us, and with it comes a new era of digital transformation (DX)—an era […]
The post Announcing the Essential Skills…

Ask Slashdot: How Was the Quality of Your Academic Tech Education?

dryriver writes: In talking to people who are doing software development or other tech work, many told me that they found their tech education at university lacking in various ways. Some were taught outdated software, programming languages, methods, techniques or approaches. Others had problems with academia hostile to new ideas or creative problem solving. Some didn’t get enough recognition for the…

Spiral arms in a young accretion disk around a baby star

An international research team, led by Chin-Fei Lee at the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA, Taiwan), has detected a pair of spiral arms in an accretion disk around a protostar (baby star), using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). Interestingly, these spiral density enhancements make the disk appear like a “space whirlpool.” The finding not only supports current…

Exploring curiosity with Simon Brown, Chief Learning Officer at Novartis

Coursera sits down with Novartis’ Chief Learning Officer, Simon Brown, to learn how he and his team are fostering curious minds and a desire to learn across 130,000 employees in pharmaceutical and healthcare. Coursera: What drew Novartis to Coursera as a preferred learning solution? Simon: At Novartis our mission is to reimagine medicine, and we […]
The post Exploring curiosity with Simon…

Waymo Releases a Self-Driving Open Data Set For Free Use By Research Community

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: Waymo is opening up its significant stores of autonomous driving data with a new Open Data Set it’s making available for the purposes of research. The data set isn’t for commercial use, but its definition of “research” is fairly broad, and includes researchers at other companies as well as academics. The data set…