More on the Matter of Supernatural Monsters & Creatures

Well, in the wake of the publication of my 2-part article on the U.K.’s “Alien Big Cats” phenomenon, a number of people have contacted me asking something along the lines of: “Does this mean you think all creatures that fall under the banner of Cryptozoology are supernatural?” The answer to that question is “No, I… Read more » Source:…

High School Production of ‘Alien’ Suprised By Visit From Sigourney Weaver

An anonymous reader quotes ABC News: ‘Alien: The Play’ returned to the stage at North Bergen High School one month after it took the internet by storm — thanks to its elaborate costumes, stage design and nostalgia for the original film, released in 1979. The drama club only had enough money to put the production on for two nights in March,…

Most Americans believe Trump lied to them, but think impeachment is a bad idea


Vox Sentences: “Is this person a citizen of the United States?”


What to expect on the Mueller report’s release day


Russia Adopts Bill That Would Expand Government Control Over the Internet

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ABC News: Russia’s lower chamber of parliament has adopted a bill that would expand government control over the internet, raising fears of widespread censorship. The State Duma on Tuesday overwhelmingly voted to support the bill, which still has to be approved by the upper chamber of Russian Parliament and signed into the law…

Beast of Cornwall? Many Sightings and Pet Attacks by Mysterious Big Black Cat

“Honey, have you seen Spot?” That’s never something a dog owner wants to hear, but it’s particularly disconcerting these days in parts of Cornwall, England, where a number of people have seen a mysterious big black cat and a Labrador ran home bloodied and clawed after an encounter with a creature who left paw prints… Continue reading Beast of Cornwall? Many Sightings and Pet Attacks by Mysterious Big Black Cat