Programmer’s Real-Time Deepfake Lets Him Impersonate Elon Musk on Zoom

Motherboard reports on a new open source program “that superimposes someone else’s face onto yours in real-time, during video meetings.”
Programmer Ali Aliev used the open-source code from the “First Order Motion Model for Image Animation,” published on the arxiv preprint server earlier this year [and developed by researchers at the University of Trento in Italy as well as Snap]… With other…

Are We on the Cusp of a Metaverse, the Next Version of the Internet?

The Washington Post describes it as “the next internet.” Wikipedia defines it as “a collective virtual shared space…including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the Internet.” But it was Neal Stephenson who named it “the metaverse” in his 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash. Are we closer to seeing it happen? The Washington Post reports:
In the past month,…

India Says Zoom ‘Not a Safe Problem’ For Video Conferencing

India is the latest country to denounce videoconferencing software Zoom, calling it “not a safe platform.” Reuters reports: “Zoom is a not a safe platform,” the Cyber Coordination Centre (CyCord) of India’s ministry of home affairs said in a 16-page advisory. The government body also provided guidelines on how to avoid unauthorized users from carrying out malicious acts while using the…

India Says Zoom ‘Not a Safe Platform’ For Video Conferencing

India is the latest country to denounce videoconferencing software Zoom, calling it “not a safe platform.” Reuters reports: “Zoom is a not a safe platform,” the Cyber Coordination Centre (CyCord) of India’s ministry of home affairs said in a 16-page advisory. The government body also provided guidelines on how to avoid unauthorized users from carrying out malicious acts while using the…

Over 500,000 Zoom Accounts Sold On Hacker Forums, the Dark Web

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bleeping Computer: Over 500,000 Zoom accounts are being sold on the dark web and hacker forums for less than a penny each, and in some cases, given away for free. These credentials are gathered through credential stuffing attacks where threat actors attempt to login to Zoom using accounts leaked in older data breaches. The…

The Pandemic is Playing To Almost Every One of Amazon’s Strengths

An anonymous reader shares a report: As the coronavirus pandemic has forced people to stay inside, few companies have proven themselves as essential as Amazon. From groceries to cleaning supplies, shipments from Amazon have become lifelines for many who are steering clear of supermarkets and other physical retail stores. Company executives have likened the surge in demand to the annual holiday…

US Senate Tells Members To Stop Using Zoom

According to the Financial Times, U.S. senators have been advised not to use videoconferencing platform Zoom over security concerns. From a report: According to three people briefed on the matter, the Senate sergeant-at-arms — whose job it is to run law enforcement and security on the Capitol — told senators to find alternative methods for remote working, although he did not…

Zoom Accused of Misrepresenting Security Measures In New Lawsuit

Video conferencing company Zoom is being used by a shareholder over allegations of fraud and overstating the security protocols in place on its service. Gizmodo reports: In the lawsuit filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, plaintiff Michael Drieu — on behalf of individuals who purchased Zoom securities after the company went public last year…

Google Told Its Workers That They Can’t Use Zoom On Their Laptops Anymore

BuzzFeed News has learned that Google has banned the popular videoconferencing software Zoom from its employees’ devices. From the report: Zoom, a competitor to Google’s own Meet app, has seen an explosion of people using it to work and socialize from home and has become a cultural touchstone during the coronavirus pandemic. Last week, Google sent an email to employees whose…

Taiwan Tells Agencies Not To Use Zoom On Security Grounds

Taiwan’s cabinet has told government agencies to stop using the Zoom conferencing app due to privacy and security woes. Reuters reports: Zoom’s daily users ballooned to more than 200 million in March, as coronavirus-induced shutdowns forced employees to work from home and schools switched to the company’s free app for conducting and coordinating online classes. However, the company is facing a…