Trilobites: An Emperor Penguin Colony in Antarctica Vanishes

A colony in Halley Bay lost more than 10,000 chicks in 2016 and hasn’t recovered. Some adults have relocated. Source:…

Scientists Create Speech From Brain Signals

A prosthetic voice decodes what the brain intends to say and generates (mostly) understandable speech, no muscle movement needed. Source:…

These Otters Are Popular Pets in Asia. That May Be Their Undoing.

Asian small-clawed otters are increasingly popular as novelty pets, particularly in Japan. Now international trade in the species may be banned. Source:…

Trilobites: Watch a Flower That Seems to Remember When Pollinators Will Come Calling

A colorful Peruvian plant dispenses its pollen according to a savvy, memory-based system, new research suggests. Source:…

Senator McConnell, a Tobacco Ally, Supports Raising Age to Buy Cigarettes

Seeking re-election to a seventh term, the senator cited the rise in teenage vaping as a reason to curtail sales of tobacco and other products. Source:…

This Genetic Mutation Makes People Feel Full — All the Time

Two new studies confirm that weight control is often the result of genetics, not willpower. Source:…

In India, a Renewed Fight Against Leprosy

Health workers thought they had vanquished the disease in 2005. But it lived on, cloaked in stigma and medical mystery. Source:…

F.D.A. Halts U.S. Sales of Pelvic Mesh, Citing Safety Concerns for Women

Boston Scientific and Coloplast were the last two companies selling the medical devices, which have resulted in nearly $8 billion in settlements. Source:…