Data Caps On AT&T, Comcast, T-Mobile Will Return June 30

An anonymous reader quotes a report from PCWorld: Major Internet service providers are scheduled to end their quarantine benefits soon, once again subjecting Americans to data caps and removing protections if they are unable to pay their bills. The FCC’s Keep Americans Connected Pledge is set to expire on June 30. Companies initially agreed to the pledge and rushed to add…

Comcast Becomes the First ISP To Join Mozilla’s TRR Program

Comcast has joined Cloudflare and NextDNS in partnering with Mozilla’s Trusted Recursive Resolver program, which aims to make DNS more trusted and secure. Neowin reports: Commenting on the move, Firefox CTO Eric Rescorla, said: “Comcast has moved quickly to adopt DNS encryption technology and we’re excited to have them join the TRR program. Bringing ISPs into the TRR program helps us…

Cox Readies a Re-entry Into Mobile

Mike Dano, reporting for Light Reading: Cox Communications — one of the nation’s largest cable providers — is preparing to launch a mobile service, according to several sources familiar with the company’s plans. However, the details of Cox’s mobile strategy, including when it might launch and which wireless network provider it might partner with, are still unclear. AT&T executives have publicly…

‘Contagion,’ Steven Soderbergh’s 2011 Thriller, Is Climbing Up the Charts

One of the hottest movies in the Warner Bros. library is a nine-year-old drama that kills off Gwyneth Paltrow in its first 15 minutes. From a report: Fears of the coronavirus have prompted movie fans to re-examine Steven Soderbergh’s star-studded 2011 thriller, “Contagion,” a fictional account of a pandemic that kills 26 million people worldwide. According to Warner Bros., the film…

NBC’s New Peacock Streaming Service Is Just One Big Ad-Injection Machine

Comcast’s NBCUniversal is launching a new streaming service in April called Peacock. With three pricing tiers from free to $10 per month, Comcast wants Peacock “to be an ad delivery system to destroy all others in its path,” writes Ryan Waniata via Digital Trends. From the report: In a shockingly long investor call, NBC revealed its big new strategy for delivering…