How Jupiter’s moon Io gets its hellish atmosphere

Hot, active volcanoes produce almost half of Jupiter’s moon Io’s sulfur atmosphere, according to new observations using the ALMA telescope. The rest comes from cold sulfur deposits that freeze on the surface, then sublimate in sunlight. Source:…

Astronomers release a black hole family portrait

“Black hole family portrait” is a fancy way of saying “new catalog.” But it’s a very important and exciting catalog, released October 28, 2020 by gravitational wave astronomers, containing 39 new signals from black hole or neutron star collisions. Source:…

Bill Gates Asked Microsoft’s ‘Junior Engineer’ Job Interview Question

DevNull127 writes: Let’s say you’re interviewing for a junior engineering position at Microsoft,” Bill Gates was asked. “Why should we hire you?” “I like to be on a team,” Gates replies. “I like ambitious goals. I like thinking through how we can anticipate the future. Software is cool, and I want to be involved.” The question was asked by top basketball…

X-ray data reveal 1st-ever planet orbiting stars in another galaxy

While extragalactic “rogue” planets – not orbiting any star – have been reported before, the new exoplanet is the first to be detected orbiting stars in another galaxy. And not just any galaxy … but M51, the beautiful Whirlpool, 23 million light-years away. Source:…

‘At This Point, 5G is a Bad Joke’

An anonymous reader shared this skeptical opinion piece from Computerworld: Let’s start with the name itself. There is no single “5G.” There are, in fact, three different varieties, with very different kinds of performance… But, what most people want, what most people lust for is 1Gbps speeds with less than 10 milliseconds of latency… [T]o get that kind of speed you…

Wow! Jupiter might have 600 moons

Astronomers in Canada say they have found evidence for 45 new tiny moons orbiting Jupiter, and that the planet may have a staggering 600 such moons in total. Source:…

Search for ETs among 10 million stars comes up empty

Astronomers used a radio telescope in Australia to search for artificial radio signals among 10 million stars. The search came up empty. But, they say, that’s not bad news for those hoping to find intelligent extraterrestrials. Source:…

Are there more rogue planets than stars in our galaxy?

A new study suggests there are more rogue, free-floating planets – unconnected to any star – than stars in our Milky Way galaxy. NASA’s upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is expected to begin finding hundreds of them. Source:…

Sydney’s Career Story: Turning a Setback into a Step Forward

Being laid off from a job is never easy, and it’s become an all-too-common experience for so many during COVID-19. When it happened to Sydney, she used it as an opportunity to pursue her passion for learning more about marketing. She gained new skills, and began volunteering for a non-profit. Seven weeks later, she’d landed […]
The post Sydney’s Career Story: Turning…

What’s the youngest moon you can see?

It’s rare to catch a moon within 24 hours of new. This month’s new moon comes on June 21 at 06:41 UTC. At sunset on June 21, some in the Americas or on Pacific islands might catch an exceedingly fragile young moon – fresh from an eclipse – low in the west after sunset. Source:…