Coronavirus origins will be investigated by WHO team arriving in China this week

A little over a year after the World Health Organization first announced a string of mysterious illnesses, the agency will travel to their point of origin to investigate how it all started. Source:

What Scientists Know About the Coronavirus Variant Spreading In the UK

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NBC News: Several European countries have banned flights from the U.K. over fears about a new coronavirus variant that has forced millions of people in Britain to cancel their Christmas plans. Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Italy all announced restrictions on U.K. travel. Others will likely follow suit as scientists warned that the…

How the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Fought the Pandemic

In a long article titled “Gates versus the Pandemic,” Fast Company looks at the many mitigation efforts launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. – It’s one of the largest funders of the World Health Organization. – It’s partnered with the governments of Norway and India, the World Economic Forum, and the research-charity Wellcome Trust to launch an important group…

WHO-led Team Expected in China in January To Probe COVID-19 Origins

An international mission led by the World Health Organization (WHO) is expected to go to China in the first week of January to
investigate the origins of the virus that sparked the COVID-19 pandemic, a member and diplomats told Reuters this week. From a report: The United States, which has accused China of having hidden the outbreak’s extent, has called for a…

The First Person In the UK To Have Air Pollution Listed As a Cause of Death

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: A nine-year-old girl who died following an asthma attack has become the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as a cause of death. Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, who lived near the South Circular Road in Lewisham, south-east London, died in 2013. Southwark Coroner’s Court found that air pollution “made a…

How Prestige Journals Remain Elite, Exclusive And Exclusionary

An anonymous reader shares a report: Last week, Nature journals unveiled their “landmark” open-access option. Nature journals will charge authors, starting in January 2021, up to $11,400 to make research papers free to read, as an alternative to subscription-only publishing. Scientists from around the world received this news with outrage and disappointment on social media. Nature’s announcement comes on the heels…

WHO Says Would be ‘Highly Speculative’ To Say COVID Did Not Emerge in China

The World Health Organization’s top emergency expert said on Friday it would be “highly speculative” for the WHO to say the coronavirus did not emerge in China, where it was first identified in a food market in December last year. From a report: China is pushing a narrative via state media that the virus existed abroad before it was discovered in…

To reduce chances of spreading coronavirus, keep indoor air clean

Being indoors with other people is a recipe for spreading the coronavirus. But removing airborne particles through proper ventilation and air filtration can reduce some of that risk. Source:…

Microsoft: Russian, North Korean Cyberattacks Target COVID-19 Vaccine Efforts

Microsoft said Friday it has detected at least seven attacks on companies working to develop a COVID-19 vaccine or treatments. From a report: The company said attacks by three nation-state actors — two from North Korea and one from Russia — have targeted companies in Canada, France, India, South Korea and the United States. “Two global issues will help shape people’s…

President Biden Will Rejoin the World Health Organization on His First Day

“Another of Biden’s promises will have particular significance during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic,” reports Futurism: Back in July, he promised to reverse the incumbent Donald Trump’s controversial April decision to leave the World Health Organization — the United Nations’ agency that oversees and coordinates global public health efforts. “Americans are safer when America is engaged in strengthening global health,” Biden said…