Microsoft Edge Accused of Stealing Data From Chrome

Some Windows 10 users have complained that when Microsoft sets up its Edge browser, it steals data from Chrome and Firefox without asking first, writes ZDNet columnist Chris Matyszczyk. But today a reader sent him a new complaint involving Windows 7: “My wife’s computer, which is running Windows 7, got a Windows update this morning, which then gave the full-screen welcome…

New study provides maps, ice favorability index to companies looking to mine the moon

The 49ers who panned for gold during California’s Gold Rush didn’t really know where they might strike it rich. They had word of mouth and not much else to go on. Source:…

82-Year-Old Ridley Scott Shares Some Secrets About ‘Alien’

Ridley Scott was the fifth choice to direct the 1979 film Alien, remembers the Los Angeles Times, “meaning that no one was expecting the film to become as important and influential as it now is.” This week they chronicled some more remembrances about the film from 82-year-old Ridley Scott: The central role of Ellen Ripley — also portrayed by Sigourney Weaver…