Liberal Arts Majors Eventually Earn More Than STEM Majors

The conventional wisdom that liberal arts majors earn less than compsci majors may be true for the first job, but not necessarily for an entire career, reports the New York Times, in an article shared by jds91md (and republished by Indiana State’s College of Arts and Sciences). “By age 40 the earnings of people who majored in fields like social science…

Have Flagship Smartphone Prices Peaked?

Analyst Ben Wood, writing for research firm CCS Insight: Smartphone makers have been testing the economic rule of supply and demand for the past decade, seemingly defying conventional wisdom in consumer electronics products by raising prices. Greater utility and the constant of use smartphones combined to grow the value of devices to customers. But it seems that top phone-makers are learning…

Ask Slashdot: How Can You Limit the Charging Range of Your Batteries?

“If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a slew of devices with lithium-based batteries in them,” write long-time Slashdot reader weilawei: The conventional wisdom is to cycle them between 20 and 80% for a good compromise between usability and battery life. How then, do you automate the process to avoid over- or undercharging…? Do you remove and store your laptop battery…

Watch India’s Chandrayaan-2 Make Its Historic Moon Landing Attempt

It’s a big day for India’s highly audacious Chandrayaan-2 mission. From a report: The nation will attempt to land its lunar orbit on the moon’s surface shortly as it inches closer to become the fourth in the world to complete a successful lunar landing. ISRO, India’s equivalent of NASA, is live streaming the landing on its website, and YouTube channel. The…

Some of the Best Video Game Streamers Are Senior Citizens

“As we’ve discussed in the past, old people are some of the only video game streamers worth watching,” writes the AV Club: Filled with the wisdom that comes from age, seniors are the necessary corrective to Twitch and YouTube channels currently dominated by excitable whippersnappers. Fortunately, as outlined in a piece NBC’s Kalhan Rosenblatt that explores this world, video games are…

September’s birthstone is the sapphire

Sapphires, a form of the mineral corundum, were once believed to be protection against snakes. Source:…

YouTube’s Algorithms Blamed For Brazil’s Dangerous Conspiracy Video-Sharing on WhatsApp

Sunday the New York Times reported that YouTube “radicalized” Brazil — by “systematically” diverting users to conspiracy videos. Yet conventional wisdom in Brazil still puts the blame on WhatsApp, the Times reported in a follow-up story on Thursday shared by Slashdot reader AmiMoJo. “Everything began to click into place when we met Luciana Brito, a soft-spoken clinical psychologist who works with…

With Chandrayaan-2 Launch, India’s ISRO Shoots For the Moon on a Shoe-String Budget

India took a giant leap in its space program on Monday after its space agency launched a spacecraft that is scheduled to touch down on the Moon in September. From a report: The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), which is India’s equivalent of NASA, confirmed the successful launch of the spacecraft as the nation inches closer to become only the fourth…

5 Essential skills of an Entrepreneur (Or Intrapreneur) in 2019

In today’s fast-paced digital economy, innovation is everything. Whether you’re an entrepreneur building a startup from scratch or an “intrapreneur” innovating within an established company, the ability to develop a new idea from concept to successful execution can open up exciting – and lucrative – career opportunities.  Becoming a successful entrepreneur (or intrapreneur) requires a […]
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