Microsoft’s ‘Project Latte’ Aims To Bring Android Apps To Windows 10

Windows Central reports: Microsoft is working on a software solution that would allow app developers to bring their Android apps to Windows 10 with little to no code changes by packaging them as an MSIX and allowing developers to submit them to the Microsoft Store. According to sources familiar with the matter, the project is codenamed ‘Latte’ and I’m told it…

Spaces or Tabs? Microsoft Developers Reveal Their Preferences

In a new video, Microsoft’s principal cloud advocate and DevOps lead weighed in on that crucial and perennial developer question: which is better, indenting your code with spaces or with tabs? “This is kind of a loaded question… However, I am very opinionated on this. I happen to be a huge fan of tabs, for a couple of reasons. Number one,…

Graphical Linux Apps Are Coming to Windows Subsystem for Linux

ZDNet reports:
At the Microsoft Build 2020 virtual developers’ conference, CEO Satya Nadella announced that Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.0 would soon support Linux GUIs and applications. That day is closer now than ever before. At the recent X.Org Developers Conference, Microsoft partner developer lead Steve Pronovost revealed that Microsoft has made it possible to run graphical Linux applications within WSL….

Microsoft Announces It Won’t Be the Ones Building PHP 8.0 for Windows

Today I learned that Microsoft “has been providing support for the development and building of the PHP programming language on Windows,” according to Bleeping Computer. “This support includes developing security patches for PHP and creating native Windows builds.” But that’s going to change:
Microsoft has announced that it will not offer support in ‘any capacity’ for PHP for Windows 8.0 when it…

Microsoft Launches Windows Terminal 1.0, Unveils GPU Support and Linux GUI Apps in WSL

At Build 2020 today, Microsoft gave developers a slew of new tools to coax them into using Windows over macOS or Linux. From a report: Windows Terminal is now out of preview for enterprises, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2 is getting support for GPUs, Linux GUI apps, and a simplified install experience. Microsoft even released a Windows Package Manager…

Microsoft Seeks To Join the Official Linux-Distros Mailing List

Microsoft’s transformation into a fully paid-up member of the Linux love-train continued this week as the Windows giant sought to join the exclusive club that is the official linux-distros mailing list. From a report: The purpose of the linux-distros list is used by Linux distributions to privately report, coordinate, and discuss security issues yet to reach the general public; oss-security is…