X-ray observations reveal insights into the nature of the pulsar wind nebula 3C 58

Analysis of the new data from X-ray observations using NASA’s NuSTAR spacecraft and archival data from the agency’s Chandra X-ray space observatory, has yielded more insights into the nature of a pulsar wind nebula (PWN) named 3C 58. Results of the analysis, presented in a paper published April 12 on arXiv.org, could also shed more light on particle distribution in the…

Evil Swamp Demons of Slavic Lore

Throughout the world there have always been legends and lore associated with the dim wilds of our landscape. Dark and forbidding, swamps in particular have attracted such tales since time unremembered, and it seems as if every such murky wetland has its share of spooky lore orbiting it. This is especially prevalent in Slavic cultures,… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/evil-swamp-demons-of-slavic-lore/…

This book ranks the top 100 solutions to climate change. The results are surprising.

Source: https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/5/10/15589038/top-100-solutions-climate-change-ranked…

10 ways to accelerate progress against climate change

Source: https://www.vox.com/2018/10/10/17952334/climate-change-global-warming-un-ipcc-report-solutions-carbon-tax-electric-vehicles…

A Pagan Easter

Julian Rose – We don’t need a priest to divert us from the truth. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/04/21/a-pagan-easter/…

David Roberts went to Barcelona to report on urban sustainability. Ask him anything.

Vox climate reporter David Roberts recently did a deep dive into the city’s radical urban plan. Vox’s David Roberts writes about climate change and the transition to clean energy, from wind and solar to nuclear power to electric vehicles to microgrids. He’s also written a lot on the advantages of dense, walkable cities, like the… Continue reading David Roberts went to Barcelona to report on urban sustainability. Ask him anything.

Strange and Frightening Encounters With Forest Spirits

Throughout all of human history the forests of our world have always held a special allure. The trees have birthed countless legends and myths, as well as spawned all manner of forest entities, sprites, and spirits. Just walking amongst the tranquil woods one can feel why this might be so, as it is a place… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/strange-and-frightening-encounters-with-forest-spirits/…

The Dirty Truth About Green Batteries

If we’re going to avoid the worst consequences of climate change, we’ll need an energy revolution. But there’s a big problem. Making that future a reality will, among other things, require a lot of batteries: batteries to charge our electric cars; batteries to store solar power collected while the sun’s up and wind power harnessed when it’s gusty out. And as…

Large Rocks Mysteriously Fall From the Sky in India

Rocks mysteriously falling from the sky is one of the classic Fortean phenomena described in Charles Forte’s “Book of the Damned.” Often blamed on poltergeists, pranksters, weather or Bigfoot, these dangerous events are reported frequently in India, which is where the latest occurrence originates. Residents of Raigarh say they now fear nightfall after large rocks… Read more » Source: https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2019/04/large-rocks-mysteriously-fall-from-the-sky-in-india/…

A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill

The bill contains groundbreaking changes to the way the state’s utilities do business. The trend of states targeting 100 percent clean electricity has gone viral. Last month, New Mexico targeted 100 percent clean by 2045. The Maryland legislature recently passed a bill targeting 50 percent renewable by 2030 and looking into the viability of 100… Continue reading A closer look at Washington’s superb new 100% clean electricity bill