Why Players Blame Skill-Based Matchmaking For Losing In Call of Duty

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Motherboard: Two months ago, esports pro Seth “Scump” Abner logged into the Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War multiplayer alpha and found himself struggling. Not because of any major gameplay changes developer Treyarch had made, Cold War plays like any other Call of Duty from the past decade, but rather because of the…

Chrome’s New ‘Cache Partitioning’ System Impacts Google Fonts Performance

A change made in the Google Chrome browser in October has impacted the performance of the Google Fonts service for millions of websites. From a report: The change is an update to Chrome’s internal cache system. A browser’s cache system works by serving as a temporary storage system for images, CSS, and JavaScript files used by websites. Files stored in the…

Google Set To Win EU Approval For Fitbit Takeover Next Week

According to Bloomberg, Google is set to win conditional European Union approval for its $2.1 billion takeover of Fitbit this month. From the report: The deal could be approved as soon as next week after national competition authorities give their opinion, said the people who asked not to be named because the procedure isn’t public. The EU usually consults the so-called…

Ford Calls On Automakers To Support California Fuel Economy Deal

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Ford is urging major automakers to consider backing a framework deal with California on vehicle emissions in a bid to reach industry consensus before President-elect Joe Biden takes office, according to a letter seen by Reuters on Monday. Major automakers are set to discuss next steps at a virtual meeting of their auto…

America’s Top Court Strikes Down Covid-19 Restriction On Religious Groups

DevNull127 writes: Earlier this year the governor’s order had “restricted the size of religious gatherings in certain areas of New York where infection rates were climbing,” reports the New York Times. But Wednesday night (in a close 5 to 4 decision) America’s highest court ruled against the governor — and in favor of two religious organizations challenging him. “[T]hey tell us…

European Parliament Votes For Right To Repair

In a landmark move, the European Parliament voted today to support consumers’ Right to Repair. The resolution was adopted with 395 in favor and just 94 against, with 207 abstentions. iFixit reports: “By adopting this report, the European Parliament sent a clear message: harmonized mandatory labelling indicating durability and tackling premature obsolescence at EU level are the way forward,” said Rapporteur…

Trump Eyes Digital Media Empire To Take on Fox News

Mike Allen, reporting for Axios: President Trump has told friends he wants to start a digital media company to clobber Fox News and undermine the conservative-friendly network, sources tell Axios. The state of play: Some Trump advisers think Fox News made a mistake with an early call (seconded by AP) of President-elect Biden’s win in Arizona. […] Here’s Trump’s plan, according…

What Biden’s Victory Means For Net Neutrality – and for Ajit Pai

“A victory by Joe Biden in the Nov. 3 election could usher in an abrupt change in the nation’s telecommunications policy, restoring so-called net neutrality regulation,” Bloomberg recently reported: Biden hasn’t talked much about the FCC during the campaign, but his party’s platform is specific. It calls for restoring net neutrality rules put in place under then-President Barack Obama when Biden…

How Ex-Facebook Data Experts Spent $75 Million On Targeted Anti-Trump Ads

The night before America’s election, Fast Company reported: On the internet, we’re subject to hidden A/B tests all the time, but this one was also part of a political weapon: a multimillion-dollar tool kit built by a team of Facebook vets, data nerds, and computational social scientists determined to defeat Donald Trump. The goal is to use microtargeted ads, follow-up surveys,…

Defeating Trump, Joe Biden Declared Winner of US Presidential Elections

“BIDEN WINS” declares the all-caps headline at CNN.com. And the headline at NBC News reads “JOE BIDEN DEFEATS DONALD TRUMP TO WIN THE WHITE HOUSE, NBC NEWS PROJECTS.” NBC News reports: Joe Biden became president-elect Saturday after winning the pivotal state of Pennsylvania, NBC News projected. The former vice president amassed 273 Electoral College votes after winning Pennsylvania’s 20 electors, according…