America’s FBI Warns of Security Risks in Using Hotel Wi-Fi

“Most users don’t seem to realize the severity of the risks they’re subjecting themselves to while using hotel Wi-Fi networks,” writes Windows Report, noting that America’s FBI “issued a Public Service Announcement concerning the risks of using hotel Wi-Fi networks while teleworking.” Apparently, more and more U.S. hotels started advertising room reservations during the daytime for those who seek a distraction-free…

Here Comes the Internet of Plastic Things, No Batteries Or Electronics Required

An anonymous reader quotes a report from IEEE Spectrum: When technologists talk about the “Internet of Things” (IoT), they often gloss over the fact that all these interconnected things need batteries and electronics to carry out the job of collecting and processing data while they’re communicating to one another. This job is made even more challenging when you consider that many…

Five Bar and Cafe Owners Arrested in France For Running No-Log WiFi Networks

In one of the weirdest arrests of the year, at least five bar and cafe managers from the French city of Grenoble were taken into custody last week for running open WiFi networks at their establishments and not keeping logs of past connected users. From a report: The bar and cafe owners were arrested for allegedly breaking a 14-year-old French law…

Python Developer Builds a Raspberry Pi That Alerts Drone Pilots

“A Raspberry Pi, a USB SDR dongle, an LCD a buzzer and a little bit of coding in Python and C has created a very useful alarm for drone and RC model aircraft operators,” explains long-time Slashdot reader NewtonsLaw .
The device allows users to set an “alarm” perimeter around their operating area and automatically alert them whenever a manned aircraft with…

Engineers Set New World Record for Internet Speed

“Imagine being able to download every single movie and TV show on Netflix in less than a second,” writes Gizmodo: Researchers at University College London have the ability to do that with a new world record they set for fastest internet — 178 terabits a second, or 178,000 Gbps. Lecturer and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow Dr. Lidia Galdino and…

Scientists Slow Down and Steer Light With Resonant Nanoantennas

New submitter HotSyncer shares a report from Phys.Org: [I]n a paper published on Aug. 17, in Nature Nanotechnology, Stanford scientists demonstrate a new approach to slow light significantly, much like an echo chamber holds onto sound, and to direct it at will. Researchers in the lab of Jennifer Dionne, associate professor of materials science and engineering at Stanford, structured ultrathin silicon…

Google To Buy Stake In ADT In Home Security Push For $450 Million

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: Alphabet’s Google is picking up a 6.6% stake in ADT for $450 million, betting on the home security company’s strong customer base and an army of technicians to drive sales of its Nest devices. The investment gives ADT the backing of a high-profile technology partner and broadens its services business. In return, Google…

South Korea Commits $61 Billion For ‘Net-Zero Society’ By 2025

South Korea announced it’s investing $61 billion by 2025 to become a “net-zero society,” according to a statement from the country’s Ministry of Environment, reports a local news source. Interesting Engineering reports: As part of the South Korean New Deal, this “green” policy is the Asian country’s response to the rising tide of climate change, while also boosting its economy –…

5G Obliterates Your Phone Battery, But a Power-Saving Fix Is Coming

It’s no secret that 5G networks drain battery. “To rectify that grim side effect, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Lille in France have developed a new radio-frequency switch they say is 50 times more energy efficient than the current solid-state switches,” reports Popular Mechanics. From the report: The solution is actually rooted right in…

OpenBSD 6.7 Released

New submitter xhonza writes: New OpenBSD version. String of good news. Some of the new changes, as highlighted by Phoronix, include: – FFS2 file-system improvements including using 64-bit timestamps and block numbers by default for new installs.
– Support for the Raspberry Pi 4 on ARM64 while improving the Raspberry Pi 3 support too. Raspberry Pi 2/3 support has also improved for…