‘Massive Issues’ Reported For Google’s Indexing of JavaScript Content

The way Google is indexing JavaScript content is “still a massive issue,” reports Search Engine Journal: As much as 60% of the JavaScript content is indexed within the first 24 hours after indexing HTML. But there is also bad news. As much as 32% of the tested pages have unindexed JavaScript content after one month, due to a variety of reasons……

Black Friday Shoppers: Beware of Fake Five-Star Reviews

As shopping takes off for the holiday season, so do phony reviews — and pressure is mounting on major retailers to fight back. From a report: More than a third of online reviews on major websites, including those on Amazon.com, Walmart and Sephora, are fake, meaning they are generated by robots or people paid to write them, according to Fakespot, which…

Anonymous Hacker Gets Six Years In Prison For DDoS Attacks

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: An Ohio man was sentenced last month to six years in prison for a series of DDoS attacks against websites for the city of Akron, Ohio, and the Akron police department. The man, 33-year-old James Robinson, was arrested in May 2019 and pleaded guilty to all accusations, most of which were easy to…

Password Data For About 2.2 Million Users of Currency, Gaming Sites Dumped Online

Password data and other personal information belonging to as many as 2.2 million users of two websites — one a cryptocurrency wallet service and the other a gaming bot provider — have been posted online, according to Troy Hunt, the security researcher behind the Have I Been Pwned breach notification service. Ars Technica reports: One haul includes personal information for as…

How Google Interferes With Its Search Algorithms and Changes Your Results

Long-time Slashdot reader walterbyrd shared this report on “arguably the most powerful lines of computer code in the global economy,” the Google algorithms that handle 3.8 million queries every single minute. But though Google claims its algorithms are objective and autonomous, the Wall Street Journal reports Google “has increasingly re-engineered and interfered with search results to a far greater degree than…

Disney + and ‘The Mandalorian’ Are Driving People Back To Torrenting

An anonymous reader shares a report: A simple glance at torrent websites shows that plenty of people are stealing from the brand new steaming services — episodes of The Mandalorian and Dickinson all have hundreds or thousands of seeders and are among the most popular shows on torrent sites. I reached out specifically to Disney, Apple, and Netflix to ask what…

Health Websites Are Sharing Sensitive Medical Data with Google, Facebook, and Amazon

Popular health websites are sharing private, personal medical data with big tech companies, according to an investigation by the Financial Times. From a report: The data, including medical diagnoses, symptoms, prescriptions, and menstrual and fertility information, are being sold to companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Oracle and smaller data brokers and advertising technology firms, like Scorecard and OpenX. The FT…

Study of Over 11,000 Online Stores Finds ‘Dark Patterns’ on 1,254 sites

A large-scale academic study that analyzed more than 53,000 product pages on more than 11,000 online stores found widespread use of user interface “dark patterns” — practices meant to mislead customers into making purchases based on false or misleading information. from a report: The study — presented last week at the ACM CSCW 2019 conference — found 1,818 instances of dark…

Do You Remember MIDI Music Files?

A new article at Motherboard remembers when the MIDI file format became the main way music was shared on the internet “for an incredibly short but memorable period of time…” [I]n the hunt for additional features, the two primary developers of web browsers during the era — Microsoft and Netscape — added functionality that made audio files accessible when loading websites,…

6 In 10 Websites May Be Impacted by jQuery XSS Vulnerabilities

“Although the JavaScript library jQuery is no longer as popular as it was, it is still widely used. As a result at least six in ten websites are impacted by jQuery XSS vulnerabilities,” reports I Programmer: Even more security issues are introduced by the jQuery libraries used to extend jQuery’s capabilities. These findings come from open source security platform, Snyk and…