To Re-Enable Flash Support, South Africa’s Tax Agency Released Its Own Web Browser

“The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has released this week its own custom web browser,” reports ZDNet, “for the sole purpose of re-enabling Adobe Flash Player support, rather than port its existing website from using Flash to HTML-based web forms.” To prevent the app from continuing to be used in the real-world to the detriment of users and their security, Adobe…

Microsoft Worked With Google To Bring Progressive Web Apps To the Play Store

Microsoft has been collaborating with Google to ensure that their tools interoperate and can help developers get their Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) into the Play Store. From a report: “We’re glad to announce a new collaboration between Microsoft and Google for the benefit of the web developer community,” Microsoft’s Judah Gabriel Himango announced. “Microsoft’s PWABuilder and Google’s Bubblewrap are now working…

Ask Slashdot: How Can You Refresh Your Linux and Sysadmin Skills?

Slashdot reader PrimeGoat has used Linux for 20 years, “10 of which were during my career as a Linux sysadmin…” “However, there’s more to being a sysadmin than just knowing how to use Linux.” There are best practices that evolve, new methods of doing things and new software that constantly comes out and evolves. This is where my challenge comes. In…

Self-taught web developer proves that anything is possible

Julio is a web developer now living and working in Talca, Chile. Originally from Venezuela, Julio had to move to a new country and switch careers due to the political crisis in his native Venezuela. In his own words, this is how he used Coursera to start a new life and a new career. B.C. […]
The post Self-taught web developer proves…

Making Time to Learn: How Online Study Fits Around Your Career

The new suite of computer science degrees from the University of London and member institution Goldsmiths offer you the opportunity to study your degree fully online. This flexibility allows many students to continue working while gaining a qualification that will support future career ambitions. We spoke to three students about how they manage their studies […]
The post Making Time to Learn:…

Do Google and Facebook Threaten Our ‘Ambient Privacy’?

This week Pinboard founder Maciej Ceglowski (also a web developer and social critic) asked readers of his blog to consider an emerging threat to ambient privacy. He defines it as “the understanding that there is value in having our everyday interactions with one another remain outside the reach of monitoring, and that the small details of our daily lives should pass…

Front-End Web Developer: One of Today’s Hottest Jobs

Build and enhance critical professional skills in one of the best technology jobs with W3C’s Professional Certificate program.  The Web is everywhere: from your favorite connected device (mobile phone, pad, etc.) to your future connected car and home. The Web is also changing the landscape in healthcare, financial and government services, as well as commerce,… Continue reading Front-End Web Developer: One of Today’s Hottest Jobs