Russia Orders Evacuation of Village Near Site of Nuclear Accident, Then Cancels It

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: The Russian authorities on Tuesday announced the evacuation of the village nearest to the site of a nuclear accident in northern Russia, suggesting dangers more grave than initially reported. The still-mysterious episode last week killed seven people and released radiation, apparently when a small nuclear reactor malfunctioned during a test…

Glaciers contain radioactive isotopes from nuclear tests and accidents

Traces of nuclear weapons testing and accidents like Chernobyl have been found in glaciers around the world. It is unknown if they pose a risk to health Source:…

Astronomers Continue to Observe Strange and Mysterious Satellite Behavior

Satellite anomalies and other examples of spaceborne intrigue continue to add up, suggesting that the looming war in space might be getting closer to hot than we think. In late March 2019, India blew up a satellite in orbit with a missile, littering near-orbits with debris. The display was intended as a show of force… Read more » Source:…

Melting Glaciers Could Unleash Nuclear Fallout Trapped Within the Ice

An international research project found that high concentrations of radioactive material in glaciers around the world could be exposed due to climate change. Source:…