Sudan’s Feared Intelligence Chief Resigns in Another Victory for Protesters

Demonstrators, who remain encamped in large numbers outside the country’s military headquarters, had called for his brutal agency to be dismantled. Source:…

25 Years Later, Rwanda Grapples With Legacy of Genocide and Questions of Blame

As world leaders have expressed regret over failing to stop the massacre of as many as one million people in Rwanda, its president, Paul Kagame, has entrenched his power and punished dissent. Source:

U.S. Revokes Visa of I.C.C. Prosecutor Pursuing Afghan War Crimes

Fatou Bensouda, I.C.C. chief prosecutor, is seeking an investigation into war crimes in Afghanistan, including possible U.S. involvement. Source:

The Secret Death Toll of America’s Drones

President Trump is making it harder to know how many civilians the government kills by remote control. Source: