Bank of America to Raise Minimum Wage to $20 an Hour

A day before he was to testify before Congress, Bank of America’s chief executive, Brian Moynihan, said the lowest-paid workers would earn $17 an hour starting in May and $20 in two years. Source:

Pay Gap for Men and Women Grew at Many British Employers, Report Shows

Some thought that forcing disclosure would shame companies into action. But the divide has widened at about 40 percent of them since last year’s data. Source:

Short of Workers, U.S. Builders and Farmers Crave More Immigrants

As a tight labor market raises costs, employers say the need for low-wage help can’t be met by the declining ranks of the native-born. Source:

The Ethicist: Should My Daughter Speak Up About a Classmate’s Plagiarized Poem?

The magazine’s Ethicist columnist on how to handle a cheating peer and whether to alert officials that a nanny is ill-treated. Source:

U.S. Moves to Limit Wage Claims Against Chains Like McDonald’s

The Labor Department offered a view far narrower than the Obama administration’s regarding companies’ liability for workplace violations by franchisees. Source:

A C.E.O. Who’s Scared for America

Capitalism, he says, is slowly committing suicide. Source:

The $70,000-a-Year Minimum Wage

A small Seattle company shows that capitalism can have a heart. Source: