How Worried Should You Be About Those Tom Cruise Deepfakes?

Are the TikTok deepfake videos of Tom Cruise doing magic and playing golf a threat to global democracy? Not exactly. “[T]he reality is that they took a lot of time, technical expertise, and the skilled performance of a real actor,” reports VICE News. “Rather than predicting a dark future of disinformation for the masses, they’re simply another example of what can…

Disney+ Takes First Emmy Win With ‘The Mandalorian’ For Visual Effects

At the Creative Arts Emmys on Wednesday night, The Mandalorian not only scored its first Emmy but also won the first Emmy for Disney+. Deadline reports: As a brand new streamer, this year marks the first year of eligibility for Disney+. The Mandalorian has racked up a staggering 15 Emmy nominations with 8 of those trophies being handed out tonight. Outstanding…

‘Cats’ Director Rushes Visual Effects Update Into Theaters After Disastrous Opening

Though its poster promises “the most joyful event of the holiday season,” the new movie Cats scored just 18% with professional critics on Rotten Tomatoes, and the $100 million adaptaton of the Broadway musical has so far earned just $6.5 million at the box office. Its director apparently doesn’t want that to be the last word. “You’ve seen movies receive visual…

Disney Warns ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’ Effects Could Cause Seizures

“The Walt Disney Co. is asking exhibitors worldwide to warn moviegoers that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker may pose a seizure risk to audience members with photosensitive epilepsy,” reports Deadline: In an unusual move, Disney has sent a letter to theater owners and operators worldwide with a recommendation that special steps should be taken to alert moviegoers about the visual…

The Filmmaking Tech Behind ‘The Mandalorian’ Is Straight Out of the Star Wars Universe

In a Quartz article, Adam Epstein writes about the filmmaking technology used to film The Mandalorian on Disney+: Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) — the Lucasfilm subsidiary George Lucas founded in 1975 to make the visual effects for Star Wars — deployed a real-time 3D projection system called “Stagecraft” on the Disney+ series that could, eventually, replace green-screen as the film…

‘Men In Black’ Director Barry Sonnenfeld Calls 8K, Netflix HDR ‘Stupid’

CIStud writes Barry Sonnenfeld, director of the “Men in Black” series, “Get Shorty” and most recently Netflix’s “Series of Unfortunate Events”, says 8K is “only good for sports” and High Dynamic Range (HDR) is “stupid” and “a waste.” Sonnenfeld, speaking with actor Patrick Warburton at the CEDIA Expo last week in Denver, called for a “filmmaker mode” on all TVs that…

‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ Movie is Getting Delayed To Redesign the Title Character

Director Jeff Fowler has announced that Paramount had delayed the release of ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ by three months, to allow the visual effects team some more time to work on the central character’s redesign. A report adds: To say that reaction to the first ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ trailer was mixed would be overly diplomatic. But at least fans were able to…

The Cast of Avengers: Endgame Rendered in Traditional Japanese Ukiyo-e Style

Wherever in the world you live, you’ve heard of Avengers: Endgame, and may well have seen it already — or, depending on your enthusiasm for superheroes, may well have seen it more than a few times. It comes, as fans need not be reminded, as the culmination of a 22-film series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe […]

The Cast of <i>Avengers: Endgame</i> Rendered…