Some Genius Recreated the World of ‘Stardew Valley’ in ‘Minecraft’

This past summer when I had the flu and was bored out of my mind, I made the decision to start playing the farming-and-life simulator Stardew Valley, which to this day is probably the best $15 I’ve ever spent. I don’t play a lot of video games—I grew up without any consoles, and my brain-to-controller-button-pressing… Continue reading Some Genius Recreated the World of ‘Stardew Valley’ in ‘Minecraft’

Watch a YouTuber Block Flames With a DIY ‘Sekiro’ Umbrella Shield

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a difficult game made easier through an array of ninja gadgets. One of the best gadgets, hands down, is the loaded umbrella shield—a spiral of steel that protects the player from projectiles. YouTuber-slash-mad-scientist Colin Furze wanted to see if he could recreate Sekiro’s folded umbrella for himself. Shockingly, it worked,… Continue reading Watch a YouTuber Block Flames With a DIY ‘Sekiro’ Umbrella Shield

Elementary School’s Cell Tower Removed After Four Students Diagnosed With Cancer

Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge Waking Times A Sprint cell phone tower will be removed from a California elementary school after four students and three teachers were diagnosed with cancer.  Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago – with some parents even pulling their children from school over… Continue reading Elementary School’s Cell Tower Removed After Four Students Diagnosed With Cancer

Iowa Town Bans Fluoride And Ends Program As Chemical’s Danger Becomes Apparent

Aaron Kesel, Contributor Waking Times A small town in northwestern Iowa called Ida Grove has voted to end treating its city’s drinking water with fluoride. The Ida Grove City Council voted to halt fluoride treatment in the city’s water supply, the Sioux City Journal reported. The move comes after city leaders and residents challenged whether… Continue reading Iowa Town Bans Fluoride And Ends Program As Chemical’s Danger Becomes Apparent