Billions of Devices Vulnerable To New ‘BLESA’ Bluetooth Spoofing Attack

An anonymous reader writes: “Billions of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and IoT devices are using Bluetooth software stacks that are vulnerable to a new security flaw disclosed over the summer,” reports ZDNet. Named BLESA (Bluetooth Low Energy Spoofing Attack), the vulnerability impacts devices running the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol, and affects the reconnection process that occurs when a device moves back…

Astronomers map new emission line to trace most common molecule in the universe

Molecular hydrogen (H2) makes up 99 percent of the cold, dense gas in galaxies. So mapping where stars are born basically means measuring H2, which lacks a strong characteristic signature at low temperatures. Astronomers from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research and the University of Groningen have now mapped an emission signal from the trace molecule hydrogen fluoride (HF) in a…

What’s the birthstone for November?

Happy birthday November babies!  Your birthstone, the topaz, can be blue, pale green, yellow, pink, red, purple, brown and even black. Source:…

FDA Wants to Lower Amount of Fluoride in Bottled Water, but Scientists Say it is Still Too High

Emma Fiala, TMU Waking Times Rather than combating the high levels of pesticides found in much of the food grown in the United States, the negative effects of factory farming, or the lack of clean water available to numerous communities across the country, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is proposing slightly lowering the standard for… Continue reading FDA Wants to Lower Amount of Fluoride in Bottled Water, but Scientists Say it is Still Too High

Iowa Town Bans Fluoride And Ends Program As Chemical’s Danger Becomes Apparent

Aaron Kesel, Contributor Waking Times A small town in northwestern Iowa called Ida Grove has voted to end treating its city’s drinking water with fluoride. The Ida Grove City Council voted to halt fluoride treatment in the city’s water supply, the Sioux City Journal reported. The move comes after city leaders and residents challenged whether… Continue reading Iowa Town Bans Fluoride And Ends Program As Chemical’s Danger Becomes Apparent