Moon, Venus, Mercury before daybreak

These next several days, watch as the waning crescent moon joins up with the planets Mercury and Venus, plus the star Spica, in the eastern predawn/dawn sky. Source:…

Watch for Mercury, below Venus, during the week of November 10

For northerly latitudes, the coming week presents a golden opportunity to spot the most elusive bright planet – Mercury – in the east before sunup. The waning crescent moon, and dazzling Venus, can help you find it. Source:…

Tips for watching N. Taurid meteors

The nominal peak of the North Taurid meteor shower is on the night of November 11-12, 2020. Source:…

See all 5 bright planets in November!

See all five bright planets in November 2020. Three of them – Mars, Jupiter and Saturn – pop out first thing at dusk and nightfall. The other two – Mercury and Venus – are found in the early morning sky. Source:…

There may not be life on Venus after all but we shouldn’t despair

New analyses have cast doubt on recent observations of phosphine gas in the atmosphere of Venus, a possible sign of life. Though disappointing, we must remember science will one day provide us with an answer Source:…

Moon and Mars meet in late October

Use the bright waxing gibbous moon to find the red planet Mars in late October 2020. This is the brightest that you’ll see Mars for another 15 years! Source:…

Super-Earth and sub-Neptune found orbiting a red dwarf star

Astronomers using a telescope in Mexico have found two more exoplanets – a super-Earth and a sub-Neptune – orbiting a red dwarf star 120 light-years from Earth. Source:…

Venus seen by BepiColombo

The sun’s second planet, Venus, as seen from the BepiColombo spacecraft as it passed on its way to the innermost planet, Mercury, earlier this month. Source:…

NASA to announce mysterious moon discovery on Monday

NASA’s upcoming news conference on October 26, 2020 promises “an exciting new discovery about the moon,” with references to the agency’s ambitious Artemis program, a plan to send the first woman and next man to the lunar surface in 2024. Source:…