Moon, Jupiter, Saturn … Perseid meteors?

The Perseid meteor shower is rising to its peak, so there’s bound to be some fist-shaking this weekend at that bright moon. But the moon can also guide you to Jupiter and Saturn on August 9, 10 and 11, 2019. Source:…

When Jupiter and Saturn meet

Jupiter and Saturn have appeared close on our sky’s dome throughout 2019, but they’re due to get even closer in the coming months. Their conjunction will come on December 21, 2020. Here’s how to watch them. Source:…

What is a fogbow?

Fogbows are rainbows’ cousins – made by much the same process – but with the small water droplets inside a fog instead of larger raindrops. Source:…

Astronomers probe a mini-Neptune’s atmosphere

Exoplanet Gliese 3470 b fits nicely in size between our solar system’s Earth and planet Neptune. Known as a “mini-Neptune,” it likely has a rocky core beneath a deep, crushing, hydrogen-helium atmosphere. The analysis of its atmosphere is a first for one of these mid-sized worlds. Source:…

Today in 2015: New Horizons at Pluto

The small, fast-moving New Horizons spacecraft is likely to be the only Pluto mission in the lifetimes of many of us. It changed forever the way we on Earth perceive this outermost world and its moons. Source:…

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto: A longer view

Astronomer Guy Ottewell talks about his awesome book about some of our solar system’s most beloved outer worlds. As always, he provides the best charts anywhere! Source:…

Astronomers spot asteroid with shortest year known

The newly-discovered rocky body – dubbed 2019 LF6 – orbits the sun roughly every 151 days. Source:…

Moon to sweep by Jupiter July 12 to 14

Use the moon to locate the planet Jupiter on July 12, 13 and 14. After these nights, you’ll recognize Jupiter easily. It’ll be the brightest starlike object to light up the evening sky for months to come. Source:…

Newfound kilometer-size asteroid orbits the sun every 151 days

Astronomers have spotted an unusual asteroid with the shortest “year” known for any asteroid. The rocky body, dubbed 2019 LF6, is about a kilometer in size and circles the sun roughly every 151 days. In its orbit, the asteroid swings out beyond Venus and, at times, comes closer in than Mercury, which circles the sun every 88 days. 2019 LF6 is…

We go between Saturn and the sun July 9

This is Saturn’s yearly opposition. The ringed planet is now opposite the sun in our sky, rising at sunset, highest up for the night around midnight and setting at sunrise. It’s at its brightest and and best for 2019. Source:…