Pentagon set to launch new UFO task force

According to reports, a new task force dedicated to investigating UFOs will be unveiled in the next few days. While the US government’s secretive Adva… Source:…

WSJ: Qualcomm Asks US Government to Let it Sell Chips to Huawei

“The Wall Street Journal said it had obtained a Qualcomm presentation lobbying the U.S. government to remove restrictions and let it sell Snapdragon processors to Huawei,” reports Engadget: The ban won’t prevent Huawei from obtaining necessary parts and could just drive “billions of dollars” of U.S. sales to foreign chip makers like MediaTek and Samsung, Qualcomm reportedly said — lifting the…

US Government Contractor Embedded Software in Apps To Track Phones

A small U.S. company with ties to the U.S. defense and intelligence communities has embedded its software in numerous mobile apps, allowing it to track the movements of hundreds of millions of mobile phones world-wide, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, citing people familiar with the matter and documents it reviewed. From the report: Anomaly Six, a Virginia-based company founded by…

Pentagon has materials from ‘off-world vehicles’

A new bombshell report claims that the US government is in possession of exotic materials ‘not of this Earth’. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identific… Source:…

Tech Firms Like Facebook Must Restrict Data Sent From EU To US, Court Rules

The European Court of Justice has ruled that the “Privacy Shield” data transfer agreement, which had allowed tech companies to transfer EU user data to the US, failed to adequately protect Europeans’ data from US surveillance and security laws and was therefore invalid. What this means is companies like Facebook “could be prevented from sending data back to the US,” reports…

AATIP head: ‘Pentagon has more evidence’

The former head of the US government’s secretive UFO research program has recently spoken out. Back in April, the US government officially declassifie… Source:…

US Secures World Stock of Key COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir

The U.S. has bought up virtually all the stocks of remdesivir, perhaps the most closely watched experimental drug to treat COVID-19. The Guardian reports: Remdesivir, the first drug approved by licensing authorities in the U.S. to treat Covid-19, is made by Gilead and has been shown to help people recover faster from the disease. The first 140,000 doses, supplied to drug…

Whatever Happened to the ‘Flash Crash’ Trader?

British stock trader Navinder Sarao was accused of helping cause a $1 trillion stock market crash in 2010. But the rest of his story is now being told in a new book titled Flash Crash: A Trading Savant, a Global Manhunt, and the Most Mysterious Market Crash in History. “I think that he was a gamer and, for him, markets were…

The US-China Battle Over the Internet Goes Under the Sea

Last week, Washington strongly objected to a new project from Facebook and Google. It’s too risky and offers “unprecedented opportunities” for Chinese government espionage, the Justice Department declared. The project, however, wasn’t about online speech or contact tracing, but concerned an issue that would seem far less politically charged: building an undersea internet cable from the United States to Hong Kong….

The US Government Is Now Stuck with 63 Million Doses of Hydroxychloroquine

The World Health Organization has now halted research on whether hydroxychloroquine could be an effective treatment for COVID-19, reports NBC News, after multiple studies showed the drug “has no impact on the coronavirus.” But now that America’s Food and Drug Administration has revoked permission for using it to treat coronavirus patients, CNN reports that the U.S. government “is stuck with 63…