LiquidPiston’s ‘Inside-Out’ Rotary X-Engine Wins Army Research Contract

Connecticut-based company LiquidPiston is developing a portable generator for the US Army that uses its X-Engine, a fresh and extremely powerful take on the rotary engine that’ll deliver as much power as the Army’s current-gen-set at one-fifth the size. New Atlas reports: We’ve written a few times before about the fascinating LiquidPiston rotary engine. It’s not a Wankel — indeed, it’s…

False Claims Spreading Across YouTube and Embraced By Chinese Communist Party Media Accuse US Army Reservist of Starting the Coronavirus

Donie O’Sullivan, reporting for CNN Business: Maatje Benassi, a US Army reservist and mother of two, has become the target of conspiracy theorists who falsely place her at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, saying she brought the disease to China. The false claims are spreading across YouTube every day, so far racking up hundreds of thousands of apparent views, and…

The US Army has a 3D printer for ultra-strong steel gear and weapons

A high-speed 3D printer is being tested by the US Army for producing spare steel parts near the front lines – it could also make airplane parts or weapons Source:…

The US Army Bombed a Hawaiian Lava Flow. It Didn’t Work.

An anonymous reader quotes the New York Times: Why were two apparently unexploded bombs sticking out of a lava tube on Hawaii’s Mauna Loa? That’s what Kawika Singson, a photographer, wondered in February when he was hiking on Mauna Loa, the colossal shield volcano that rises 55,700 feet from its base below the sea to its summit. Singson had stumbled upon…

TSA Bans Employees From Using TikTok

The Transportation Security Administration told employees to stop posting to TIkTok on Sunday, after New York Senator Chuck Schumer raised security concerns about the China-owned app. The Verge reports: The TSA’s announcement to ban employees from using TikTok came shortly after Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) penned a letter to its administrator, David Pekoske, requesting that the agency halt its use. According…

US Army has built a device to keep your hands warm without gloves

The US Army has built a prototype device that allows wearers to go glove-free in freezing conditions. It works by heating the forearm, which helps keep the fingertips warm Source:…

Tom DeLonge’s UFO Research Group Signs Contract With US Army To Develop Far-Future Tech

Blink-182 singer Tom DeLonge’s UFO research organization has signed an agreement with the U.S. Army in which it will help the military study and develop advanced materials for the purposes of develpoing “active camouflage, beamed energy propulsion, and quantum communication” for use on military vehicles. Motherboard reports: On October 17th, To the Stars joined forces with the Army’s Combat Capabilities Development…

US Army signs deal to exploit ‘UFO technology’

The military has teamed up with Tom DeLonge’s ‘To The Stars’ group to study alleged UFO ‘metamaterials’. Back in July, Steve Justice – chief operating… Source:…

Today in science: Happy birthday Albert J. Myer

As you check your local weather forecast today, give a nod to Albert J. Myer, born on this date in 1828, who helped to establish the US National Weather Service. Source:…