Moon sweeps past planet Uranus

Before dawn on August 21 and 22, 2019, let the moon guide you to the constellation Aries the Ram. When the moon moves away, try star-hopping to Uranus using guide stars within this constellation. Good luck! Source:…

A brief history of Saturn’s amazing rings

New analyses of Saturn’s rings reveal how and when they were made, from what, and whether they’ll last. Source:…

Moon near Uranus in July 25 predawn sky

Before sunrise on July 25, 2019, you’ll find the moon at or near its last quarter phase and in the vicinity of the 7th planet Uranus on the sky’s dome. Source:…

Are moons forming around this distant gas giant planet?

After many years of searching, astronomers have finally found what appears to be a circumplanetary disk – that is, a disk of gas and dust – surrounding a young exoplanet. Evidence suggests that moons may be forming there. Source:…

Today in 2015: New Horizons at Pluto

The small, fast-moving New Horizons spacecraft is likely to be the only Pluto mission in the lifetimes of many of us. It changed forever the way we on Earth perceive this outermost world and its moons. Source:…

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto: A longer view

Astronomer Guy Ottewell talks about his awesome book about some of our solar system’s most beloved outer worlds. As always, he provides the best charts anywhere! Source:…

We go between Saturn and the sun July 9

This is Saturn’s yearly opposition. The ringed planet is now opposite the sun in our sky, rising at sunset, highest up for the night around midnight and setting at sunrise. It’s at its brightest and and best for 2019. Source:…

Word of the week: Opposition

Saturn’s opposition is this week. Jupiter’s opposition was about a month ago. What is opposition? It marks the middle of the best time of year to see a planet … but why? Source:…

Uranus’ rings surprisingly bright in ‘heat’ images

The rings of the 7th planet, Uranus, are thin and dark. But new thermal images from the ALMA and VLT telescopes show them glowing brightly. Source:…