Man ‘Brought Back From the Dead’ Mysteriously Dies Again

Let’s get one thing out of the way right up front … this article is not in any way meant to be sacrilegious towards any religion. It’s more of a cautionary tale of religious pretenders and the dangers they pose to those who are duped and sometimes to those who help in the charade. In… Continue reading Man ‘Brought Back From the Dead’ Mysteriously Dies Again

The Strange Mystery of the Faces of Bélmez

August 23, 1971 started like any other day for María Gómez Cámara as she went about her housework in her home in the village of Bélmez de La Moraleda, in Spain. She then passed through the kitchen area and noticed something odd on the floor, a stain there where she had never noticed one before,and… Continue reading The Strange Mystery of the Faces of Bélmez

The Mysterious Ghostly Whistle People of Indonesia

Forests have always had a hold and held an allure over humankind since the very beginning. The woods have played an important role in countless myths, legends, and tales across pretty much every corner of the earth, harboring mysteries and secrets that have always held us in thrall. These are places of myth, magic, and… Continue reading The Mysterious Ghostly Whistle People of Indonesia

The Mysterious Otherwordly Sphere of Florida

Every once and a while something is dug up or discovered somewhere that seems to defy all attempts to understand it. These anomalous objects are poked, prodded, and studied, yet refuse to give up their answers, sparking talk of aliens and extraterrestrial intelligences. One very well-known account of such an object was found by chance… Continue reading The Mysterious Otherwordly Sphere of Florida

The Mysterious Tale of Anastasia

Throughout history there have been histroical people who have passed into mystery only for their identities to be claimed by various impostors. One of the most famous cases of this of all is that of the Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia, once the daughter of a famous Russian czar. Hers is a story of tragedy, upheaval,… Continue reading The Mysterious Tale of Anastasia

Chile’s Mysterious Island of Warlocks

Some places in this world just seem to draw to themselves mysteries and legends. Just off the coast of the South American country of Chile, in the Los Lagos Region of the southern end of the country, is a place called the Chiloé Archipelago, the name meaning “place of seagulls” in the native Huilliche language,… Continue reading Chile’s Mysterious Island of Warlocks

The Mysterious Moon Children of Panama

Just off the coast of the Central American country of Panama is an idyllic archipelago of islands and cays called the San Blas Islands. Here is a postcard picture perfect island paradise of sunny skies, pristine wilderness, crystal clear waters, and white sand beaches, which has become a haven for ecotourism. The islands also have… Continue reading The Mysterious Moon Children of Panama

Strange and Scary Tales of Vicious Albino Cannibals

There is something about the idea of wild, animalistic humans out on the hunt that inspires fear and has made it a popular theme in horror stories such as the film series The Hills Have Eyes. To have these ruthless people who are somehow less than human living away from society and up to their… Continue reading Strange and Scary Tales of Vicious Albino Cannibals

The Mysterious Russian Valley of Death

Out in the remote wastelands of the Siberian taiga of western Yakutia is a place virtually untouched by man and infused with deep mysteries. Here one can find the basin of the Vilyuy River, from which some very odd stories have trickled out from explorers going back through the centuries telling of anomalous domes of… Continue reading The Mysterious Russian Valley of Death

The Mysterious Unsolved Murder of the Rack Man

August 11, 1994 started out as a calm and clear day for fisherman Mark Peterson, and as he guided his boat up Australia’s Hawkesbury River, just north of Sydney, there was nothing particularly odd or ominous about the sunny day at all. Indeed, as he pulled his boat, the Lady Marion, up to an area… Continue reading The Mysterious Unsolved Murder of the Rack Man